Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Hiding In God, Not Behind Him!

Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord, for I hide myself in You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good Spirit lead me on level ground. (Psalm 143:8-10 NIV--emphasis mine)
There is such a great difference between hiding in something rather than hiding behind something. I was reminded of an Internet exchange with someone who accused me of hiding "my bigotry behind my religion." This was in response to an article that I, once again, stated an obvious truth, that many did not want to accept. But when asked a question about who he would allow to mentor his high school, if he had one, Joshua Jordan never responded. Instead, I was told I was hateful and hiding behind religion.

However, I don't see speaking God's Truth as hiding behind religion; especially when I'm not religious, but in relationship with Him. That's the difference that many doubters and unbelievers have not figured out yet. When we're "in" relationship with God, we don't need to hide behind anything for He speaks to our hearts and we hear and obey. In another passage of The Word David tells God, "Your Word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against You." If the Word is hidden within us, we have no need to hide behind anyone or anything. For when we open our mouths to speak truth, The Word should bubble up in us and spring forth like that fountain of living water we were told we would be.

I do recognize the "hater" tactic employed by any who disagree with God and promote living in opposition to His Word. They are always attempting to put us on the defensive because they cannot stand our offensive stance in The Word. Let me try putting this another way. If we are hidden in a tree and our enemies search for us, they will not see us--they will only see the tree. When children play "hide-and-seek" they usually hide behind other things and are seen, or found eventually because they are not completely hidden. In the tree, we are completely covered; Behind the tree, we can be caught. So, I'd rather be hiding in God so the only person people see is God, than hiding behind Him. Glory to His name!

Paul tells us, "Let this mind be "in" you that is also in Christ Jesus. Notice, he didn't say, "let this mind be "behind" you. We are to abide in Him--live in His Word so when people see us, they see Him and not us. Are we capable of hiding in Him, forgetting about ourselves, wanting others to see only Him and not us?

I believe we can hide in Him and we demonstrate that when we boldly, courageously, speak God's Word no matter how many times we are attacked for our boldness in Him. The haters really hate themselves for they have nothing or anyone in whom they can completely trust or hide themselves in--except what the enemy feeds them--hatred of all who disagree with them. That is so sad on so many levels that my heart hurts for them. With all of the love God has for everyone willing to receive Him and His purpose for our lives, there should be no room on earth for hate or haters of any kind. And this is why, we can rise every morning, knowing how much we're loved by God, and keep going--doing His Will.

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all those who are hurting because they have not received Your love. I ask You to fill them to overflowing, washing away hate and creating in all a desire to hide in You, trusting You completely, and not hiding behind anger, frustration, and hatred of anyone who promotes You and Your love. Cut  away the anger and bitterness that have embedded themselves through experiences with those who did not know You and heal and save them, now. Amen!

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