Tuesday, October 11, 2016

God Uses Those Who Are Willing!

Who is wise, and he shall understand these things? prudent, and he shall know them? for the ways of the LORD are right, and the just shall walk in them: but the transgressors shall fall therein. Hosea 14:9 KJV
Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means. For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have. 2 Corinthians 8:11,12 NIV

Ron Kenoly wrote a song and I danced to it, "If You Can Use Anything, You Can Use Me" was a line in the lyrics. Every time I heard that song, and danced to it, I was moved to want to do more for God. There is yet a willingness in my heart to be used by God and I will.

I read a comment this morning about "God can use anyone" (in reference in Trump) ignited by a CNN commentator and there were many comments refuting this claim and supporting it. God can and will use anyone who is willing to be used. He always has and He always will, but the person has to be "willing" to be used by God.

If a person has not demonstrated any knowledge of God--especially in this election cycle--there is little chance that they have offered themselves, "willingly" to be used by God. And I know there are scores of people ready to defend Trump's race to the White House, but I have to ask again--"How do they justify support of a man who obviously does not know God?"

I know God used harlots in the old testament to save the spies--they were willing to be used and understood The God these men served. Trump--has pretended a conversion, but there is no external evidence of a conversion of his heart and nothing anyone says--no matter what their position in a church or anything else --will ever convince me that God is using Trump against his will. I know how God operates and He does not make anyone do anything against their will. I believe that those evangelical organizations who are promoting this lie do so at their own peril and I will not support it or be a part of it.

For those who think I can intimidated--guess again. The Lord is the only one who guides what I do and nothing you think or do will deter me from doing what God has put on my heart to do. Support of Donald Trump means support of hatemongering, fearmongering, bigotry, misogyny. And for those who think supporting a pro-choice stance is a problem with God--you don't know God since He gives us choice and we have to deal with the consequences of our choices.

The argument about who Supreme Court Justices "might be" is a smokescreen to support discrimination against those who have been discriminated against for centuries and a fearmongering tactic.

And since I believe God uses anyone willing to be used, I'm going to trust God to speak to the heart of Hillary Clinton and guide her in all she has to do.

Calling Hillary a liar and attempting to convict her of things already litigated is a sign of complete blindness refutation of the justice system. If people cannot see the lies that Trump tells--consistently, on a daily basis, about anything and everything (proven to be lies by videos)--it is because they choose to be blind.

I am neither blind or foolish and as long as I have breath in my body and can hear Holy Spirit when He speaks, I will not concede to the dictates of foolishness and ungodliness in supporting someone who acts in total opposition to God's Word.

For anyone reading this who disagrees with what I've written, it is your choice and I respect your choice, but I will not allow your choices to deter or influence me. I have to stand before God and give an account for myself, not others and that I will do with a confident heart in hearing, "Well done, daughter" since that is truly all I want to hear from God.

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