Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Only Truth, Is His Truth!

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ. For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority. Colossians 2:6-10 NIV
Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him. John 7:18 NIV
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 NIV
I've spent quite a bit a time--meditating on God's Word and listening to all the political rhetoric, gauging all the hate levied towards the opposing candidates and those who dare to speak in support of either one. And while I listened and read the various accounts of differing perspectives, I kept hearing in my spirit--"only what we do for Christ will last."

What can we do for Christ? Promote the Gospel as He intended, not as we have parsed and cherry-picked to promote our own agenda. For me this is really simple. We testify of His goodness by how we treat people and the love we share, igniting desire in them--by our actions--to want to know Him, not us.

Who we choose through our own method of deliberations to govern this country--won't get us into heaven or keep us out of hell (at least for eternity). I've watched how many people get so angry with others because they cannot sway them to vote their way, they become belligerent and immovable--choosing instead to hate rather than love. Is this the love of God that is supposed to constrain us? I've watched how people attempt to belittle and demean those who are supporting a candidate they despise. I've watched people publish misleading information--designed by those who are influenced by dark spirits--in hopes of convincing others to hate the other candidate. And with all the false information and pronouncements made--many fail to look at the forces behind them. There is a spirit that wants us to hate and belittle and that spirit is not of God.

I've listened to radio-hate-talk hosts--ignite and fuel hatred against Hillary Clinton and claim she is the devil, while trying to convince the masses of their audience they are Christians. There is no love in their rhetoric and without love, we cannot belong to God for God is love and all who belong to Him--know how to walk in love. 

I've read the hate-fueled websites and news outlets. I've learned how to distinguish the difference from those written by true journalists versus those who are simply promoting a hateful agenda.

People have paid for the production of false and misleading videos and those who don't want to know truth--believe it and promote it as truth--even when truth is put right in front of them. With so much hate in the atmosphere, it is a wonder that any of us are hearing from God. But since I took the time to deliberately--without bias--to hear from all sides of the issue and to seek Him for truth--I'm thankful for the opportunity to know the truth--about the situation and in recognizing those who truly belong to God.

Until we realize that there is no Republican or Democrat heaven or hell, there is no Black or White, Hispanic or Asian, rich or poor, male or female compartmentalization in heaven,  we're all doomed to succumb to the dictates of our flesh and miss the entry into the presence of God.

The Word tells us--"we shall know one another by our love for one another." Where there is no love--and we can disagree and still love--there is not a brother or sister in Christ. That's God's truth, not mine. And if we are willing to walk in His Truth, then we shall be free--to love--all, unconditionally, whether we agree with everything they say or do or not. This is the essence of knowing and walking in His Truth--we don't have to agree with one another in order to love each other!

I'm grateful for the time spent in seeking truth and direction and will continue to write as He gives me guidance--revealing all that is not like Him, so we will all know truth and be set free to serve Him and not people. "Where the Spirit of The Lord is, there is liberty," not hate or enslavement or degradation.

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