Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Preparation Matters!

"When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am" (John 14:3 NLT).

In the verse preceding this one, Jesus tells His disciples that there is more than enough room in His Father's house for everyone and He is going to prepare a place for us. Then, He says, He'll come back for us when everything is ready so we can be with Him, forever.

Every time I read scripture, I see more--gain greater insight into the words and enhance my comprehension--for the practical aspect of what is said.

"When everything is ready" means it is not already prepared for us and since we are still here; our mansions (rooms, homes) are still not ready. Why?

Preparation time is never wasted time. When we love people and invite them into our homes, we want them to be comfortable. Well, at least most of us do. On a practical level, we want to make sure that we have sufficient room, food, and an environment that will entice them to stay and know they are welcomed. That's for the visitors. How much preparation is made to bring home the new-born baby?

Now, we must consider much more in preparing to bring the baby home (again, most of us). Babies needs are much greater and now we must consider how to best care for the baby, so positioning of everything is important--where the crib goes, the changing table, convenience of formula, diapers, clothes, everything! It is important to know where everything is going to be before we need it!

How much time have we spent preparing for--anything in life? For school, for careers, for marriages, for living a Godly life? The lack of preparation for anything is a guarantee for failure in everything. Success does not come by osmosis--it requires planning--goal-setting, strategy-making plans for every level or step we take. Within the planning--we organize our thoughts and our steps and then implement. Sometimes, we may have to make adjustments along the way, but this is easily accomplished when we keep our eyes on the goal. When we are not organized--no order exists--and chaos reigns.

It's not too late to rethink where we are, where we're going and make the necessary preparations to get there so when we do get there, we can sit back and enjoy! That's for practical living. For the things of God--Prepare hearts to receive the Good News, Trust in the Lord, Stay in The Word, Obey His Word, and Accept the invitation to His Home.

Don't let the delay in His return concern you--He's still getting things ready for us! And when they are ready, He's coming back to get escort us home!

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