Monday, July 21, 2014

Warning, Warning!

"He's hot, she's hot,"
Everybody's hot
But love, they ain't got
For self or you
So, don't consider who
They are over who you are
Let 'em slide on by,
With their slick-willy self
Lying, whining, pretending
To care, but really just using
Anyone they can, used to abusing
All who are desperate for love,
When all they have is lust,
They hit it and quit it and think it's just
To pass you on to another when
They've had enough--of you.

Don't fall into the trap of letting
Anyone use and abuse you to soothe
Themselves out of anger, mischief,
Or just being a jerk, you are more
Precious than that and you need to see
You as God sees you--not a doormat
Or depository for their maleness--they're not men,
And it's time your eyes were opened,
And your ears cleaned to hear how they
Talk behind your back, treating you like dirt,
They think it's cute to use you, not minding the hurt
You feel when they leave you wet, busted, and disgusted
With yourself because you let it happen,
When you defeated self with desperation and self-loathing,
How could you? Why would you--let anyone take from you
All the good that God poured into you
So you could do the things He wanted for you,
But now you have to think about--is there anything left
Of you to be used to His glory
And not those who use you to pacify themselves?

Wake up and smell the air that surrounds you,
Make sure the stench doesn't bind and trap you,
Into a slavery of another kind, created in the minds
Of those who love to use those who are weak
And unsure of self, needing love, but getting lust
Stirred in mind and body and then promoting you as the biggest
Loser because you were lost in them and not in One who
Loves you the most and will never leave you hanging out to dry.

So, now it's time to try Him for yourself-
And see that some males and females
Are just out to get what they want and never
Care about you as a person or worthy of love,
Save yourself--your virtue--your mind and body
For the One who truly loves, from above.

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