Friday, July 25, 2014

What Can Your God Do?

"I am doing this so all who see this miracle will understand what it means—that it is the LORD who has done this, the Holy One of Israel who created it. “Present the case for your idols,” says the LORD. “Let them show what they can do,” says the King of Israel" (Isaiah 41:20,21 NLT--Read entire chapter for context).

The prophet outlines for the Children of Israel what God will do for them and then tells them why--"The Lord has done this" and then--he tells them the false prophets to "present the case for their idols" --false gods.

For those of us who know and have experienced the miracles of God--healed when sick, raised from the pits and lifted to greatness, understand how the poor are fed when all hope appears to be lost, we know that it is The Creator God who is capable of making a way out of no way.

But there are those who "worship idols"--athletes, celebrities, spouses, jobs, all manner of things and people who have not "created" from nothing--anything. They have not created mountains, oceans, the sun or moon, or anything else that we can see--from total nothingness. There are some who have manufactured things from the things already here, but they have "created nothing" and people worship them as gods.

They have no case to present because the case--before God--would be flawed and full of holes so wide a person could fall through them. Mortal man--demonstrates foolishness at the highest level--when they worship things created by the hands of man, giving them more power than Creator God. 

I don't know about your god, but my God is awesome!  He can move mountains, hide me in the rain, shelter me in the valley, heal me when I'm broken, deliver me from the desires of the flesh and lift me when I'm down for the count and raise me to greater heights than I could have ever imagined. He can open doors, no man can shut, and close doors no man can open. He gives sight to blind and makes the lame to walk. He provides whatever I need when there is no provision and He never leaves me alone--He is always with me! Hallelujah!

Now, what can your god do? 

If your worship and praise is reserved for the idols of this world because of their fame or fortune--how will you present your case to the Living God who will judge all we do, one day?

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