Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Twelve Days of Kindness-Day 4!

Let the righteous strike me;
It shall be a kindness.
And let him rebuke me;
It shall be as excellent oil;
Let my head not refuse it.

For still my prayer is against the deeds of the wicked. Psalm 141:5 NKJV
This segment of the Psalm is not advocating violence, but correction--pointing out when someone is wrong. It is indeed a kindness from others when they show us or tell us when we're doing something wrong. For anyone to offer corrective instruction shows they care about us and we see this in parents when they correct their children.

The unfortunate aspect of providing corrective instruction to some is those who refuse to accept it--as the kindness that it is. When people are insecure about themselves, they often see corrective instruction as criticism and refuse to hear what is said. This also occurs with people who think they know what they're doing when they don't.

I've often said I'm thankful to God for not having a thin skin and can take corrective instruction from anyone. I don't know all there is to know and I'm really grateful to those who care enough about me to point me in the right direction. The granddaughter of a wonderful friend and sister in the Lord found some errors in one of my books, but wasn't sure if she should tell me. Her grandmother told her she should always tell me what errors she finds. That to me--is a loving, kindness because they want to see me put my best foot forward.

So, when someone offers corrective instruction, we should be willing to hear and receive it because it only means they care about how we represent ourselves. Now that's love!

How are you going to show someone a kindness today? Do you dare provide any with corrective instruction that demonstrates your kindness? Well, I'm going to try and if it is not received, then I'll know I did my part and God will also know!

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