Thursday, December 17, 2015

Twelve Days of Kindness-Day 5!

What is desired in a man is kindness,
And a poor man is better than a liar. Proverbs 19:22 NKJV
In all of the Bible, the word man does not necessarily mean a male, but is referencing mankind. And in order to accurately determine who is being referenced, we must study the word from the original context, based upon the language being used. In this verse, man is referencing Adam which was the name of both the male and the female, until the fall in the garden.

So what God desires in us is for us to be kind to one another and we see that being kind is not just reserved for those with wealth, but for those who have a compassionate heart and know truth 

Once again, I had a great day yesterday.  Armed with my golden hearts and a determination to see others smiled, I handed them out until I had no more. Now, for today, I must print more. Everywhere we went (my husband and I) I passed out a heart and watched people smile when they read the message. What a great feeling! I think I'll continue to do this long past the time of the twelve days because watching others smile, puts a smile on my face as well as fills my heart. I love the feeling.

When we walked into a restaurant, I asked the Lord to reveal to me who He wanted me to give a heart and even though I was tempted to hand them to some people, He steered me in other directions.
I watched one man's eyes fill with tears on a parking lot after he read the message. I have no idea what was going on in his life, but I prayed that God would address every issue in his life and bring him into a closer relationship with Him.

The message is not a bible tract; it is simply a note of encouragement.
Here's the heart for any who would like to copy and use.

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