Monday, January 2, 2017

30 Days of Prayer and Praise--22!

Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods. In his hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to him. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Today, if only you would hear his voice, “Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness, where your ancestors tested me; they tried me, though they had seen what I did. For forty years I was angry with that generation; I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts go astray, and they have not known my ways.’ So I declared on oath in my anger, ‘They shall never enter my rest.’ ” Psalm 95 NIV
Day Twenty-Two

Lord Jesus,

Help us to remember the path taken by those who turned from You so we will not make the same mistake. Keep us on the path You have designed for us--with our steps ordered by You at every turn. Keep our hearts open to hear You and our minds willing to obey You in all You say.

Your Word, O Lord, is true whether some believe it or not. We know that You have chosen wisely all You use to accomplish Your goal in the earth. Thank You for using those who love You and know Your heart so we will not think more highly of ourselves than we ought. Keep us humble before those You have sent us to so they will be willing to receive from us what You have given us to say.

For the broken-hearted, we speak comfort and renewed joy with living; for those restless in their spirits, we declare peace in their lives from this day forward. For those who have never known You, we declare revelation from heaven--opening their spiritual eyes and ears to receive from You. For those who are weak and weary from debilitating illnesses, we declare they are strengthened, healed and whole, from their crowns of their heads to the souls of their feet with the joy of The Lord who heals--indiscriminately. For those who are fearful and lack trust of others, we declare boldness and courage to withstand any dart thrown at them by the enemy. For those who desire to speak, but feel unworthy or unable--we declare wisdom flowing from their lips and reception in the hearts of all who hear them. For those battling addictions for sin has overtaken them, we declare chains broken and shackles loosed from everything that would keep them from honoring You with their whole lives--body and soul.

For those who are lost--irredeemable because they've sold their souls to the devil, we declare a quick demise so they will not have opportunity to influence others. For the repentant heart--we declare forgiveness and opportunity to share God's love with others so none will be lost to the lake of fire.

You, O Lord, have given us reason to sing of Your goodness in the midst of chaos and crisis for we know we are never alone with You in our lives. In the heat of the battle and the darkness of hopelessness--You are the light that reignites our hope--and leads us out of the darkness.

Thank You for loving us enough to give us chance after chance to keep singing our praises of You and keep telling everyone we meet about You.

Great is The Lord and greatly to be praised! Hallelujah!

In Jesus' name we pray and thank You, Amen!

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