Monday, January 16, 2017

Who Will Enter?

LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others; who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the LORD; who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change their mind; who lends money to the poor without interest; who does not accept a bribe against the innocent. Whoever does these things will never be shaken. Psalm 15 NIV
I am so thankful that God loves me--loves us all--for He did not come down to save just me, but all who would accept the gift of salvation through His shed blood.

There's a song that many churches--especially in the Black Community --sing, "Down through the years, God's been good to me," and when I look back over my life, I can sing that song with reverence because He has been so good to me. Not that I've been perfect--there are no perfect people--but because I recognize Him for who He is and I try to live according to His Word.

In order for anyone to live according to God's Word, they must first know it. When we get into The Word--we learn how God wants us to live--and if we're honest with ourselves--we see The Word as a mirror--reflecting back to us who we are and where we fall short. Even when we fall short--His mercy and grace--sustain us--renewing our determination to get living right for Him. It is because of His mercy and grace--that we can know without doubting, whether we will enter into His presence at the end of our journey on this side of Heaven.

When David wrote the few verses above, He understood--not because he had read a bible as we know it, but because of the teachings from a child--by his family about God's goodness and what He had always done for the Children of Israel. David was not a perfect man, but he was a man after God's own heart in that he recognized when he was wrong and repented, seeking God's forgiveness.

If a person never recognizes when they are wrong and won't do anything to correct the wrong, they will never enter into God's presence.

When John--the Baptizer--was on his journey throughout the region, "crying in the wilderness" as we're told, "Repent, Repent, for the kingdom of the Lord is at hand." He was the precursor for Jesus--warning people that they must admit being or doing wrong and setting things right. Though John was beheaded for telling the truth--he knew where he would spend eternity.

Do we know? Can we know? I know there's a mansion in heaven with my name on the door plate and I have determined that nothing and on one is going to impede my arrival--I will enter my promise--as Jesus told it.  "For in my Father's House are many mansions."

Now think about this: we who are laborers for The Lord--the little people--the caring people, the benevolent people, the people who given generously to those in need, the people who give of their time and talents to fight injustice and to defend the rights of the poor and needy, we have a right to enter in and know with assurance we have a place for all eternity as a reward for the sacrifices we've made to help others out of obedience to God.

Then there are those who have done nothing for anyone, but expect everyone else to do for them. They are self-centered, thin-skinned and think the world revolves around them. They are quick to criticize others, but get angry when others criticize them. In their minds, they are the only ones who are right and everyone else is wrong. And that's a description of the Tweeter-in-chief who feels like it is "his right" to be president, when all the evidence surfacing reveals he got to that point--by corruption and deception.

He believes he is above the law and in fact thinks laws were not meant for him and unfortunately, the so-called religious, family values group of lawmakers are doing nothing--at this moment--to correct his thinking. What they are doing is allowing him to think, he can change our democracy into a dictatorship ruled by Putin with him as his puppet.

Will they enter into God's presence at the end of life's journey? Not according to His Word. I don't know where they will spend eternity but I do know that liars will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity.
Where will you spend eternity? I'd love for all I know to spend eternity with me in heaven, but that is not my choice; it is every individual's choice and all I can do--is to make sure all I know--have been made aware of their options. Jesus is Lord and He loved us--each and everyone--enough to die for us and I am determined to love Him enough to live for Him. Will you join me?

Father, in the name of Jesus, we thank You for loving us enough to come down from heaven, living in the likeness of man, experiencing all that we would experience in life, and yet willing--with all the flaws you saw in us--looking ahead through the years--and yet still decided to hang a cross for our sins. Forgive us for not understanding how much You love and teach us daily how we're to live and treat others. Encourage and embolden us to always speak truth as You give it to us, no matter what others may think. And for any who have not already accepted You as their personal Savior, move upon their hearts to receive You, now. In Jesus' name we pray and thank You, Amen!

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