Friday, January 13, 2017

Who Do We Trust?

May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May he send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May he remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. May we shout for joy over your victory and lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests. Now this I know: The LORD gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm. LORD, give victory to the king! Answer us when we call! Psalm 20 NIV
Trust--by dictionary definition is--"reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence."

It would appear that 62 million Americans have put their trust into a man who, like the rest of us, is not perfect--but lacks the very basics of human decency--the character traits that makes a great leader.

Based upon his actions, his rhetoric and looking at those who surround him and how they enable his dysfunctional outlook  on life and in governance, most of the rest of the 324 million millions know--we cannot trust him and therefore we have no confidence in his ability to lead this country.

Where there is no trust--there is distrust.

Where there is no integrity (adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty)--there is malfeasance (the performance by a public official of an act that is legally unjustified, harmful, or contrary to law; wrongdoing (used especially of an act in violation of a public trust).

Where there is no honor--there is dishonor and disdain.

Where there is no respect--there is disrespect.

Where there is no love--there is hate.

Where there is no truth--there are lies.

There are so many character flaws observable by anyone with eyes and ears that it would take writing a manual to discuss them all in detail. There are some scientific reasons why we see what we see and there are spiritual reasons why the flaws exist.

From a scientific perspective--there is a disconnect in his brain--there is a disruption in the transmission of signals by the neurotransmitters that have led to the non-development of empathy, a sense of reality and honor.

This is recognized in the multiple personality disorders we see displayed on a regular basis: lying about everything, including the lies (pathological liar) because he doesn't recognize truth. In his mind, he creates truth and nothing else matters.

Narcissism--inability to recognize any importance in anyone or anything other than what he wants (fascination with self and ruled by ego--never accepting responsibility for his actions). Blaming others is as easy as breathing for him.

Megalomania--Psychiatry. a symptom of mental illness marked by delusions of greatness, wealth, etc.  
I have used each of these terms to describe the PE of the United States--not out of meanness, but out of concern for the nation. Our nation is at risk and no one wants to address it.

Every adjective that he uses in describing himself or his accomplishments radiates qualities that only exist in his mind--and his enablers--those surrounding him--never tell him the truth, but attempt to keep his cognitive disability hidden for their own selfish reasons.

The moral of the story, "The Emperor's New Clothes" is a perfect illustration of what we see. A delusional king was duped by tailors into spending a large sum of money for a splendid robe and when parading in public for all the world to see his new robe, all the people saw his underclothes, but only a child was brave enough to speak truth and wondered out loud, why the emperor was naked (not literally).

And such is the case with the PE--his delusions of grandeur are so great that people are afraid to confront him with truth because they don't want to damage his ego. As a result, he has been led to believe he has the moral fiber and fortitude to "Make America Great Again," because he never recognized its greatness.


He believes he is a savior and that is evident in his declarations that,"I and I alone can fix it."

In spite of multiple business failures, he believes he is a great businessman.

In spite of the fact that numerous women have accused him of being a sexual predator, he screams, they lie and blames the "crooked media" for everything.

He has been involved in all sorts of shady, corrupt allegations and according to him, it's never his fault. And what I've noticed is his tendency to project onto others, the very things he's guilty of--he is crooked, corrupt, a consummate liar, and even when confronted with facts--denies them and blames others when exposed to truth.

So, now lawmakers are in a dilemma--trying to determine the scope of his involvement with Russia and the ethical practicality of his ability to retain this business interests while governing as president. Since most politicians lie simply to get votes, I don't think we can trust them any more than we can trust the PE to do the right thing.

I foresee a couple of things: A charge of treason or impeachment within the next six months, or a massive nationwide recall of elected officials or courts being tied up for the next two years with lawsuits or even the decimation of our nation by Russian influence.

The problem could easily be resolved with a new election. That would serve two purposes: proving once and for all who the legitimate president is so we can all move forward and it would declare for all the world to see--the mandate of Americans for Americans. We are still a great nation and do not need the taint and stench of corruption hanging over us.


From a spiritual perspective--there is no proof that he has ever known The Lord Jesus Christ, accepted Him as Savior or that he has any knowledge of God's Word.

Who do we trust? We trust in The Lord and that lawmakers will be the arbiters of integrity and expose truth for all to see.

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