Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Knowing Your Gift!

For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:4-10 NIV
One of the reasons many people never accomplish what God has planned for them is because they have really identified and refined the gift He has given each and every one of us. Every person has been given at least one gift and many have multiple gifts they have identified and refined--some natural and some spiritual, but we need the spiritual gifts to identify the natural, develop and fine-tune them.

What keeps people looking sideways at others as they move along the continuum of life--envying and coveting the gifts of others-- is they have lost their focus and never sought God for understanding of what He has given them. In order for us to walk the path He has designed for us, we must always seek Him, first.

There are times when it appears--to others--that some of us are off track, but that's because when we do things that seem unusual, we do them at God's guidance and not man's and therefore they would not understand. Being obedient to God is not always; especially when the outcome is uncertain and we have to complete an obstacle course, that could be perilous. Nevertheless, if we trust God, we must simply follow through on what He has spoken to our hearts and if others don't understand--it's okay.

When we look at Paul's life and how he started--being a stalwart defender of what he was taught by men--and then after his Damascus Road experience appeared to take a 180 degree turn in his promotion of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He was actively engaged in the community of Believers and non-Believers--inspiring many and even though he lost his life--he was obedient to God.

I know some are concerned with my current direction in actively engaging in resisting a Trump presidency, but they can rest assured, I have spent time with The Lord and know I am obeying what He would have me do in this season. Whatever happens in the interim, I know--what He wants me to do and I know it is for the good of all, not just myself.

We know that in order for evil to reign and change the landscape--good people sit silently and watch it unfold--doing absolutely nothing. My gift is research and writing and then expounding upon the truths found--by any means necessary. That gift is not only meant in teaching God's Word, but in the secular setting in which we all reside on a daily basis. If I did not research a subject matter, I could not teach it effectively and if I am not teaching effectively, I am not utilizing the gifts He's given me.

Here's the thing--man has no ability to gift us with anything other than material items that will rust or fade in the course of time. The gifts God gives us are for our use for as long as we walk the earth. Therefore, I will not allow what people think of me--one way or the other--to hinder my obedience to God. I'm mindful of Noah when people thought he was crazy in building an ark and talking about rain when it had never rained; Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt; Daniel opening the window and praying out loud even though it was forbidden; Esther going to the King without being summoned. The list could go on and on.

The bottom line for me is--man has no eternal resting place for me, but my Father in Heaven does. Guess who I will obey? No matter what what happens, I'll know I played a part in the historical events unfolding in this season and will hold them dear to my heart.

Lord, open the eyes of those who are blinded by fear and whose hearts are clouded with doubt and uncertainty. Let them see there are more with us, than against us--both naturally and spiritually and that victory in Jesus will be celebrated.

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