Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.Whoever digs a pit will fall into it; if someone rolls a stone, it will roll back on them. A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flattering mouth works ruin. Proverbs 26:24-28 NIV
One of the reasons that enemies get the best of people is because trusting people simply trust until the enemy is exposed, but sometimes--the exposure comes to late. The very gullible--trust the lying lips and charming speech of those who have no soul and they seldom see beyond the surface of a person's veneer.

How do we know when an enemy lurks within and near? We watch--with guarded hearts and pay attention to whether their actions match their words. Do we see light in their eyes that exposes the transparency of their souls or is there darkness--veiling the evil that fights for control in their soul?

Does the person display paranoid tendencies, claiming someone is always out to get them, following them, or spying on them? Are they constantly complaining about the "false" perceptions others have of them? Are they open to multiple perspectives about issues or are they close-minded, seeking only those they know will agree with them for advice?

Do they think that only what they say is truth and everyone else is a liar?

Is there consistent blame and finger pointing when they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions?

Years ago, a well-known comedian--Flip Wilson--always made a point of saying in one of his spoofs, "the devil made me do it." Some people--apparently took that literally and accuse the devil of all sorts of things he hasn't done. In fact, the devil can't make anyone do anything other than plant the idea and influence surroundings, but what a person does "their active engagement in anything" is entirely on them. The desire was already within them and they didn't need much to act on their thoughts. If we only do what is right, we never have to fear being exposed for doing wrong.

This is one of the reasons we can rely upon God's Word when we're told through James, that no one should ever say when they are tempted to do something that God tempted them because God will not tempt anyone with evil, but we are drawn into evil by our own lusts--those desires that don't align with God's Word. Reasonably speaking, if God won't make us do anything (we make choices), then the devil won't either. We do what we do because of the desire to do it.

Remember the adage about being able to fool some of the people some of the time, but never all the people, all the time? Those who have discerning spirits--always attentive to the alarms we sense in our spirits when Holy Spirit is warning--know how to recognize the enemy. We watch and take note of all that is not like God and then we warn others, cautioning them to watch as well and not trust a person based upon surface knowledge. Even when we don't know people on a personal level--we can ultimately determine who is leading them simply by paying attention to what they say on social media and how they say it.

The same traits and characteristics we can detect in a person with whom we encounter face-to-face, are detected through what we see said in a "tweet" or a blog post.

The secure individual is not afraid of what others have to say and never expects everyone to agree with them. In fact, they look forward to hearing opposing views and then take the time to scrutinize what has been said and objectively determine whether what was said has merit or not. The secure person is not paranoid and has no fear of what others might do or say to them--they walk in love and The Word tells us that perfect love, casts aside all fears.

The discerning person--hearing what Holy Spirit tells them--will share that insight in an attempt to foil the enemy's plans--exposing them for all they are. Sometimes, exposure comes through the enemy's actions and all the world can see them for what they are. Everything done in darkness or under cover--out of sight--will be exposed to the light of day and scrutinized and judged based upon what is exposed.

There is no cleaning up lies--especially when a person lies about the lies in an attempt to deceive--deliberately--out of greed for power and money.

Knowing in advance that when a person chooses to run for a political office, attempts will be made to "uncover or expose" a person's past, I can rest easy in my decision. There is nothing in my past that hasn't already been publicized in my books in one way or another. My blog posts for the past five years or more have been a mirror into my soul--introspectively--for all who read them. So, I'm continuing the exploratory process, determined to make a difference in America for all Americans.

name recognition

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