Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Win With Favor!

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. Proverbs 3:1-7 NIV
I am amazed and grateful for the support I've received from those who acknowledged my intent for a presidential run in 2020. As I said before, this time over the next few months will be used in my quest to determine the feasibility and the needs of others. I am concerned about the welfare of all people so I must make sure that I represent the needs of all people.

What I bring to the table for a presidential run is this: A desire to see all Americans thrive; especially the 98% who were not privy to the access of wealth (some born into it) of the other 2%. When I speak on behalf of the 98%; it is from the experience of living as we do, enduring what many have endured, and overcoming as many have overcome--without gaining wealth by cheating, lying, or humiliating others. Beyond my flaws and shortcomings, I still have much to offer this country if I'm elected president.

This is how I've explained what I have to offer to others:
  • I fully recognize that I don't know everything I need to know to be president of the United States, but I'm also wise enough to know how to find those people who know all I don't know.
  • I am a qualified educator (with multiple degrees), an avid reader and prolific writer.
  • I am more than just an educator; I am a life-long learner and look forward to learning something new every day.
  • I am both compassionate and passionate and believe in standing up for all who are unable to fight back for themselves.
  • I am a committed Believer in The Word and in my relationship with Jesus Christ (though I know there are some who think a liberal can't be a Christian--based on what I've seen of the "far-right Christians," I'm better at being more like Jesus than they will ever be).
  • I know many of the issues that plague women--especially women of color--because I experienced them through living.
  • I know the challenge of trying to raise a family on minimum wage jobs as a single parent and yet never giving up.
  • I know the challenges of creating an environment and opportunities needed for a quality education because I've taught in some of the most difficult situations and yet managed to inspire students to excel, in spite of their circumstances.
  • I know the importance of the need for equality in pay for women who are working just as hard as their male counterparts, but often in more challenging situations.
  • I know the challenges that many grandparents face on a daily basis trying to raise grandchildren because I'm doing just that.
  • I know the challenges many senior citizens face because I am one and my husband I face those same challenges.
  • I know the challenges students face in trying not to get involved with negative behaviors and in rebelling against parents because I was a rebellious teenager.
The list could go on, and when the time comes--it shall.  I know what I know because I've lived it and even with all the experiences I've had, I don't know it all and so I need to hear from those who have "learned to appreciate life because of having lived it" and want others to learn from their experiences.
I'm knowledgeable in a number of areas, but realize I have much to learn and will spend time seeking those who know to help me understand what I don't know.

My interest in running for president is not just a "reaction" to the current inept administration (though that is part of it), but it is more about caring about all Americans and doing what I can for them and in maintaining peace throughout the world.  Plans are coming together--rather quickly--and with the help of those who have already offered I should be able to present initial ideas for policy plans that will lift all Americans--to whatever standard they want to reach.

I don't presume to know what all Americans need or want, but I will be asking questions and I hope as many Americans as possible will respond to a survey that will be available in the coming weeks.
Whether I continue to making that decision to becoming a candidate for President remains to be seen, but if I do and even if I lose--I will still have won and become a better person for the experience of a lifetime. With the favor of the Lord showered upon me, I win!

The Favor of The Lord is Upon Me!

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