Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Captivity Looming!

Hear and pay attention, do not be arrogant, for the Lord has spoken. Give glory to the Lord your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hills. You hope for light, but he will turn it to utter darkness and change it to deep gloom. If you do not listen, I will weep in secret because of your pride; my eyes will weep bitterly, overflowing with tears, because the Lord's flock will be taken captive. Jeremiah 13:15-17 NIV (read all for complete context)
When the enemy either raises up within the land or arrives on the shores--there will be no discrimination as to who will be taken captive--in the eyes of those who seek to destroy America--no one is safe or guaranteed freedom from abuse and misuse.

It would appear that the foundation of our democracy is eroding with each passing day when elected officials, turn their backs on the constitution to praise a man--a mere mortal who is not worthy of praise, yet their loyalty to him is greater than the loyalty to the Constitution. They praise the man as though he is a god--when he knows no god other than himself.

The enablers--from the WH administration to those on Capitol Hill--will be responsible for the death of a nation because the elected leadership refused to do its job. Where there is no clear, just leadership--a nation is subject to captivity and an entire civilization will cease to exist.  A study of history reveals this, but the problem with those in leadership positions is they have ignored history and we know--those of us who understand the ramifications of not knowing history--history will repeat itself until those past lessons are learned.

We have a puppet government in place and nothing will be accomplished because the puppet master wants all in disarray and confusion. He is laughing his butt off at how easily he corrupted the great American Democracy--making a fool of everyone who succumbed to his false propaganda and put the puppet leader in the White House. With promises to access to great riches, trump honed into gaining access to the Oval Office like a bee seeking pollen and nectar from flowers. For trump--the Oval Office is the flower and all his enablers are battling to be the one who brings him the most nectar--or access to enriching himself through others.

And let's not forget those in Congress--the ones who swore an oath to uphold and protect the Constitution (trump swore an oath, too that meant nothing to him since oaths don't). Anyone with a functioning brain and eyes can see the erosion crumbling every cornerstone of the Constitution when those appointed by trump--refuse to "tell the truth and nothing but the truth," and Republican Senators think its a game and mock the process by not holding witnesses accountable to their oath.

The end of the matter--will not bode well for any of us. When the enemy takes a civilization captive, they don't care what position they held in a free democracy, all become captives and subject to being treated the same. In fact, in most take-overs--in business or in countries--the current leadership is eliminated, immediately so the people won't be tempted to listen to them any longer.

Now is the time for people to wake from their slumber and open their eyes to see what is taking place right in front of them. Secret meetings to draft a healthcare care--by arrogant senators--will indeed be a death warrant for many, if passed. Rolling back regulations put into place for consumer protections now allow corporations to get rich and the poor to suffer when air and water are polluted--too toxic to drink and all need to wear masks to breathe or die from the inability to keep lungs functioning. But perhaps, it won't matter at all since changes to Dodd-Frank will allow banks to become predatory lenders and the poor and ignorant will buy into their schemes, leaving them penniless and destitute before long.

When people are hungry, homeless, and have no future--they accept the bread crumbs offered by the villain and pledge their loyalty to keep the bread crumbs coming, but they will never get enough to give them enough energy to rise and rebel. This is how tyranny works--fooling the people who are easily fooled and stomping down rebellion when the intelligent attempt to educate.

Look at the current budget that slashes educational funding because trump doesn't think anyone needs a college degree to make good money. He wants people stagnant and never growing beyond manufacturing jobs--laboring with their hands, leaving their brains to atrophy because he "loves the undereducated and ill-formed;" they are so much easier to manipulate and he has proven that with his base of supporters who believe he can do no wrong.

It won't be long before his base--some of the 26 million--who will lose their healthcare won't be with us for long. They'll still support him because their blind loyalty keeps them from reacting to reality; and instead they live in his delusional alternative reality--doomed.

We don't have to live in fear from others--because of their religion or skin-color--or ethnicity when we truly know how Jesus wants us to live. "Perfect love casts aside fear." So anyone who is touting fear or promoting it when there is no cause--check their love level--it's probably non-existent.

Americans need to think for themselves, after weighing the evidence of what is currently going on around them. Captivity is looming in the atmosphere if we don't rise up and fight back to protect our democracy. Every American needs to get out and vote--using the information at-hand and paying attention to those who have been elected--Republicans (at least the Tea Party Republicans) are not friends of the American people--they have a "secret" agenda to polarize the masses while they pick us off, one state at a time, leaving people totally destitute.

We need to clean house in Washington in coming elections--special and mid terms--and in 2020 elect a person who understands the challenges that face Everyday Americans, understands how government works and knows how to put qualified people in positions of authority who will not bow down to a mere human being, and will uphold their oaths of office with integrity and honor. If we vote our conscience and put country before party, we will sustain America's greatness for generations to come.


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