Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Staying Focused!

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22 NIV
How many times have we planned to do something without adequate information? Those who know what I'm talking about, understand not having all the information needed to make an informed decision causes problems.

This happens in a number of instances. Deciding to paint a house without determining how much paint is needed, including the base or trim, or tape and brushes and tarps, and paint remover, etc. usually ends up with multiple trips to a store. Planning a dinner without checking to make sure one has all the necessary ingredients will cause frustration and anxiety if it's a special dinner. How about making a cake? Do we check to make sure we have eggs, flour, butter, sugar, etc. and the right cake pans before we start baking or do we end up running out to the store in the middle of making the cake?

If thinking about the above-mentioned things is important, how much more so is it important for us to know everything a major decision entails before we jump in, head first?

There are three things I want to reflect upon:
a)  The Special Elections in SC and GA
b) The Secret Healthcare Bill
c) Deciding to run for President

First, the special election results--were predictable and not a surprise to anyone, though some were disappointed. The difference in the outcome may have been changed with "consulting others with more experience," but though the Democrats did not win the seats, they did better than they were supposed to do--if we listen to Republicans.

Next, the secret healthcare bill being drafted by a handful of Republicans or their staffers and though not all have seen, Mitch McConnell expects to have a vote on it, without everyone being privy to it, and without "consulting the experts" to make sure any plans would be effective in keeping everyone insured. McConnell claims the Democrats didn't want to participate in the process, but the truth is--they were not invited to participate in the process, but neither were most of the Republicans. This is not a wise decision and if passed by Senate and House--will come back to bite Republicans in the butt on November 6, 2018. People have a bad habit of remembering those who plan to cause them harm--and they will remember it was the Republicans who took their healthcare.

Last of all--my decision to run for president. I've spent a great deal of my time, researching various aspects of issues on which I take a definitive stance and in talking to a multitude of people, getting their perspectives and seeing how they align with my own. We're in the process of forming a coalition to create challenges for me--to fine-tune my thinking about "everything." This is not to say I need to "know" everything, but I should know how to direct people to find answers I don't have.  In fact, I should know the people who have the answers and I'm working on it.

I'm watching all the political flurry across the nation and getting involved with local politics and it is a lot of work--not an undertaking anyone should consider lightly. I've given this a great deal of thought and nothing I've discovered so far has deterred me from my quest.

I'm thinking so far ahead that I've already contacted my local police department to alert them of possible traffic congestion in my neighborhood, once I officially announce my candidacy. I don't want my neighbors to get upset with me when reporters are taking up all the available space on the streets or clamoring for interviews at all hours. Just one thing on my check list--done.

Considering the fact that trump knew years before he ran that he was going to run for president, I would have thought he had an inkling as to how government works. He doesn't and that is appalling on a number of levels.

At any rate, I will plan wisely with the assistance of wise counsel from various walks of life and be ready to answer any question that is asked of me.  By March 2019, I'll be ready.


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