Thursday, June 29, 2017

He's Watching!

He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them--he remains faithful forever. He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry. The Lord sets prisoners free, the Lord gives sight to the blind, the Lord lifts up those who are bowed down, the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord watches over the foreigner and sustains the fatherless and the widow, but he frustrates the ways of the wicked. Psalm 146:6-9 NIV
No matter how gloomy the environment gets with the ways of those who claim to know God, but demonstrate they do not, we can rest assured, that nothing escapes The Lord. He hears it all, sees it all, and He will reward each and every person according to their deeds.

God is watching those who are trying to oppress by separating families and suppressing voters. He is watching those who are being detained, deported and imprisoned--unjustly. He is watching those who are trying to keep people from dreaming of better days with the totally inept and incompetent, heartless Republican Congress who would keep people from leading healthy lives.

God is watching how Republicans make a sham and mockery of saying they "serve God and country" when neither is evident with their current actions. They do not know Jesus Christ since they do not care about the poor and the needy and are doing all they can to put to death those who are not wealthy enough to afford healthcare. They are not the righteous; they are the unrighteous and all their rhetoric and deeds--in secret--and openly are known to God, and He will expose them all. There is nothing we can say that God doesn't hear and nothing we can do that He doesn't see. He's watching.

It is truly unfortunate for all Americans that some had so much hatred and vitriol rising up within them they voted for hatred and racism and heartlessness to reside in the White House. Now, everyone must suffer for their lack of vision, for the Word says, without a vision, the people perish.

Here's my vision--in 2018--we elect the party that cares about all Americans, not just some of them and rid ourselves of the menace that currently resides in the White House. In 2020, we elect a woman--with no political baggage, no ties to Russia, and no celebrity status, but a wealth of experience in knowing the challenges faced by Everyday Americans,  how to treat people and in seeking the qualified to fill positions of authority. We can do something about the current environment if we are bold enough to do what is right, more than what is politically expedient and then sit back and moan and groan with the consequences. God is watching it all and He knows how
He wants to be represented in the earth, and it is not by a group of people who do not live like He wants us to live and certainly not by a toddler-in-chief who lacks maturity, wisdom, and common sense.


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