Monday, July 3, 2017

When Lies Are The Norm!

A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever points out lies will not go free. Proverbs 19:5 NIV
For those of us who believe and live The Word, we know, "we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free," which is a stark contrast to what Solomon reminds us about with those who lie-they will not go free.

Yesterday, there was an outpouring of lies on cable news--primarily CNN and MSNBC by GOP spokespersons and WH surrogates and when their lies were called out--they immediately took offense and blamed the host to whom they were talking. Other pushback came from Gov. Mike Huckabee who tweeted, "my daughter doesn't lie."

He was immediately attacked by tweeters who obviously pay more attention to what Sarah Huckabee Sanders does during the "press briefings" on a regular basis than her father. All of them--who come into the briefing room to "share information with the press" lie and what they do--is simply parroting--their boss's words, not their own thoughts.  When Sarah proclaimed, "the president doesn't lie and has never promoted violence" is a stark demonstration as to the lengths they will go to, trying to distract their base from the truth--the person in the WH is a totally inept buffoon who acts more like a toddler than a president.

liars and lies
He lied about President Obama not being a citizen--for years!

He lied about President Obama wiretapping him.

He lied about Hillary--everything he said has since been determined to be projection about himself.

He had Sean Spicer lie about the size of the inauguration crowd.  He's had Steve Miller--with a straight face-- about everything he said. Kellyanne Conway lies so much she redefined the lies as alternative facts.

They have all lied about the Russian connections and how they really won the 2016 election--rigged and they knew it.

The entire White House Administration lies and lies about the lies. I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to try remembering all the lies and they don't, which is why they end up lying about the lies.

The biggest liars are those on Capitol Hill who will not uphold their oaths of office and stop the craziness. Their oaths of office apparently mean nothing and The Word reminds us that it is better not to vow something than to make a vow and break it. All of the GOP Congress have broken their vows to protect America and our interests by being a check against the abuse of power from the White House. Why? They are fearful of being exposed if they attempt to pull the plug on the buffoonery we see. They are complicit in the Russian hacking and made a deal with the devil to obtain "power" in the government. Their actions prove they are not patriots because they care more about pacifying the president that protecting our country.

But all is not lost--there are too many of us who know the truth and we will not allow the liars and their lies to destroy our democracy. We will rise up and take charge by any means necessary and the media--will provide us the coverage we need to wake up those who believe the lies.

I am an Everyday American who believes that America is already great, but now needs saving from #agentorange and a Russian take-over. Help me to Make America Safe Again!


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