Friday, July 14, 2017

Where Are The Watchmen? (Part 3)

Son of man, say to the Israelites, "This is what you are saying: "Our offenses and sins weigh us down, and we are wasting away because of them. How then can we live?" 'Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. Turn! Turn from your evil ways! Why will you die, people of Israel?" Ezekiel 33:10,11 NIV
If we are--born-again, true Believers and know we are Spiritual Israel--do we hear Ezekiel speaking to us now?

For those who are truly Believers and know their role as watchman, we hear and we must continue to warn the people to turn from their evil ways. Turn now, while they yet have a chance.

I'm going to go on the wall today, beseeching the Republican Congress to turn--turn from the wickedness that allowed them to sit in Congress today; turn from the evil they put into the White House, and turn back to God--acting with integrity and knowing how to live as Christ wants us to live.

Turn--from the evil that keeps them from seeing the devastation they wish to put upon the poor and needy, depriving them of the ability to live long healthy lives.

Turn--from the evil of greed and corrupt riches and see God in all they do, knowing our God is not concerned with material riches, but the state of the soul in all things.

Turn--from having a blind eye, disavowing everything revealed about the current evil that resides in the White House and all they do to erode democracy.

Turn--from being obsessed with power--illegitimately obtained with the help of Russian hacking and disinformation.

Turn--from disavowing truth with deflections, distractions, denials, and distortions created in the minds of evil people who will face truth.

Turn--from feeding main stream media misinformation and outright lies just to support talking points of a deluded party.

Turn--from misleading the gullible and creating an atmosphere for their continued frenzy of hatred and bigotry.

Turn--from the loyalty to party and turn back to loyalty to country, upholding your oaths of office.

Turn--from trying to appease corporate donors and the wealthiest of the population when it will bring ruin to many families.

Turn--from promoting attitudes of superiority, feeding the hate-filled frenzy of the white supremacists and other hate groups.

Turn--from thinking that God is not watching or has turned a blind eye to the lies and corruption bubbling over on a daily basis.

God is not mocked and knows the heart and intent of everyone--those who believe in Him, obey Him and those who don't.

The Republican-led Congress is not doing anything to benefit Americans, but to destroy American democracy to appease a madman who knows no truth, and will sell America to the highest bidder, which happens to be Russia--to compensate for his debt to them.

How long O Republicans will you not do your jobs? How long O Republicans will you allow 22 million Americans to suffer? How long O Republicans will it take for you to admit your role in the corrupted 2016 Election? How long will you deny participation in the most devastating corruption of a Presidential election of our times. How long? How long? How long will it take you to turn back to God--confessing, repenting, and resigning? Is saving face by going along with the foolishness more important than saving our democracy?

You have a responsibility to America to do what's best for all Americans and if you abdicate your responsibility, whatever happens to you is what you deserve.

I'm seeking the support of every American, regardless of political affiliation to support my run for president in the 2020 election. I am more than qualified to fill the position per Constitutional requirements and understand how government runs, have no Russian ties or Connections, no political baggage to lug around, love to read and write and don't play golf. I am wise enough to know what I don't know and to seek the expertise of those who do know and heed sound advice. My integrity does not have a price tag attached nor do I cave to intimidation or bribes. If this sounds like the type of person you want for president, please let me know I can count on you when I declare my candidacy, officially, at a later date.


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