Friday, November 3, 2017

Loving Truth More Than Lies!

Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. This is how we know that we belong to the truth and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence: If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him. And this is his command: to believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as he commanded us. The one who keeps God’s commands lives in him, and he in them. And this is how we know that he lives in us: We know it by the Spirit he gave us. 1 John 3:18-24 NIV
When we say we love–the words must be demonstrated in our actions for all to see. After all, the best sermon is not the one we preach, but the one we live. How can we convince others we love if we are not willing to walk in truth?

So, who’s not willing to walk in truth? It would appear from the daily news briefings conducted by Sarah Huckabee Sanders that truth is a foreign concept to her and others in the White House. Despite the fact that the entire family (Huckabees that is) claims to be Christians, they not only spout lies, but promote them–as though the rest of us cannot see through them.  Not only have they demonstrated their Christianity is not a true walk with Christ, but they support every lie the liar-in-chief tells.
What’s even more phenomenal to me is the fact that they lie about what he says, when all who are listening hears what he says. Specifically–the most recent lie–“he didn’t say the justice system was a joke and a laughingstock.” We all heard it and there’s no spin that will make us “unhear” those very words.

For those of you who are tired of my tirades about the WH idiots, please know–I’m just as tired of them as you are, but I refuse to stop bringing truth to the forefront because I’d rather people disdain me for telling the truth, rather than love me for promoting lies. That’s my stand. I will not back down from always speaking truth as it aligns with The Word or as it aligns with daily events and those in leadership positions.

True Christians–those who walk with Christ on a daily basis and understand the greatest commandment is love–know God hates liars and because He hates liars–would not have chosen a pathological liar (or liars) to be in a position of leadership for the already greatest nation on the planet. What the faux-Christians have done–promoting the lie that God chose trump to be president–is to put America in a position of being a joke and laughingstock to other countries. Other world leaders are watching what unfolds in this country on a daily basis. They see the confusion and chaos that resides in the WH and the total incompetence demonstrated by the Russian installed–fake president. They see how he flip-flops on issues and lies unabashedly and dares others to challenge his lies. They see a dark pattern leading to a path of destruction for America and wonder–out loud–how that will affect them since they are supposed to be our allies. How can anyone trust a person to commit to an agreement (NATO) who has disregarded so many other agreements with vendors and others on a whim. The faux-Christians elected a dictator wannabe and the sooner they admit that and withdraw their support, the sooner America can get back on track, sustaining it’s position on the global stage.

The bottom line here is this–we all know (not think) Russia interfered with the 2016 election and yes, their interference with lies and false propaganda, influenced weak-minded voters who refused to do their own research, into believing the lies and false propaganda. We also know–those of us who are capable of drawing conclusions by analyzing the situation critically, that Electors in the Electoral College were bribed into voting for the national clown. Many of them knew what was occurring and still refused to stand in truth and act accordingly. Only a few electors followed their conscience and refused to vote for a liar.

If people choose to believe a liar when he has shown them that he is a liar and is willing to keep lying, they get what they deserve; but what about the rest of us? Why should we be punished and suffer the ill-fated consequences that fall upon all who lie?

We can change things and turn the situation around by loving truth more than the lies and liars and by Voting Blue in all up-coming elections. Democrats are not perfect people because there are no perfect people, but they also do more to demonstrate living as Christians ought to live than the current residents in the White House.

I’m sure by now, most know where I stand–I stand on the side of right, truth, and love. I hope you’ll stand with me in 2020 as I make my way towards a run for the White House.

Political philos2

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