Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Where Is God In All This?

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?” Hebrews 13:1-6 NIV
We are indeed living in perilous times when those who claim to be Christians--followers and imitators of Christ--prefer an accused child molester over a man who defends the rights of vulnerable simply because the man is a Democrat. Oh how the Republican party has demonized Democrats simply because the Democrats tend to live more Christ-like than they do.

How can I say that? Let me count the ways:

Democrats are pro-choice. God is pro-choice. He never demands we worship Him; He gives us choice in all we do, never forcing us to do anything and certainly never forcing His will upon us.

Democrats believe in the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. They believe people have a right to say what they want, but they don't have to agree with them. Democrats also believe that every person has a right to worship however they want to worship. Democrats do not believe in promoting hatred and bigotry, but in promoting love and respect of all.

Though there are flawed imperfect people in all walks of life, Democrats will not knowingly choose a sexual molester or predator to govern in any aspect of public office.

Democrats will always choose to support policies that undergird and protect the rights of the poor and needy and vulnerable.

So, where is God is the lives of Republicans who have become so repugnant in the eyes of the world? The jury is still out. The party who once claimed to be the party of morality has sunk beneath the scales of demonic influence into the abyss of hatefulness and bigotry, promoting and applauding those who are morally deficient as evidenced by their behavior and rhetoric; their lack of compassion towards the poor and needy and otherwise vulnerable, and their greed in support of all corrupt, wealthy donors.

Their inability to establish policies that benefit the poor over the rich is staggering in light of the fact that Jesus said we are to take care of the poor and needy, feed the hungry, visit those in prisons, clothe and house those who are homeless. We don't see that trait in any of the policies promoted by Republicans in their attempt to shut out millions from having affordable healthcare, allow the repeal of regulations that protect consumers, and now overtaxing the poor in order to appease their rich donors. That's not the love of Christ reigning in their hearts, it's greed for power and money, which will only lead to their downfall.

Did we forget that our bodies are the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells? If Christ lives within us and we allow Him to guide us, how can anyone ignore the suffering of others--in any capacity? How can we say, "He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives in me," if we applaud behaviors that are not like Christ?

I guess the real question is not, "Where is God in all this," but where are we in our walk with Christ that we sit back and say nothing, and some actually approve and applaud, those who are commit acts against children or assault women, indiscriminately? What's wrong with those who "wear the label" of Christianity? How can we expect anyone to believe we know Christ, when we do the exact opposite of what He would do?

I'm praying for understanding and direction in how to address all the issues that confront us and become a challenge for us to live as Christ would have us live. We are certainly on the wrong path if we think God is going to ignore what we're doing--in His name!

I readily admit that neither I nor others can control what any individual does, but I can support and promote policies to protect the innocent and deny the perpetrators access to serve in public offices. My stance on public policy will always be, "first do no harm" as I prepare to serve in the White House--governing for all Everyday Americans. God will once again, reign in the Oval Office as befitting the King of Glory, not me.

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