Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Words Just Don't Express!

I've spent most of the day, tweeting and calling and encouraging others to call or write the FCC to protect our rights to a free and accessible Internet. The tweets and emails to politicians who were elected to represent the views and perspectives of their constituents but have apparently forgotten all about that. What we see today in the media regarding the illicit leader is beyond words for me. He attacks and demeans everyone proudly proclaiming his lack of intellect, civility and dignity and has certainly put a toxic stain upon the integrity of the office of president.

I've tried praying and writing and writing and praying and tweeting and begging his daughter to care enough about him to get him the help he needs--all to no avail.

I'm not the only person who sees trump falling apart or has some would say, having a meltdown that is evident in everything he does. To say that he didn't know what the job entailed would be an understatement, but it didn't stop him from undermining and demeaning President Obama. To say that he doesn't understand how government works--another understatement--he has no clue and none of his enablers will tell him the truth. To say he doesn't understand history--the biggest understatement I could make in my lifetime. What trump doesn't know--about anything remotely related to governing--is enough to fill a few oceans. But I'm trying to be careful of my depiction of him.

You see, unlike him, I know karma can leave a sting in the butt that nothing can remove or ease the pain. I'm planning to be in the White House in 2021 after a successful win, not garnered by cheating with Russians or anyone else for that matter and certainly not by suppressing the rights of others to vote, or not counting their votes. You see, this is how trump won and those who enable him, are his apologists and supporters--know exactly how he won.

I care about how history will treat me as I serve the American people. Notice I said, "serve" not dictate to them, but honor them in all that I do and my commitment to make life better for all Everyday Americans. I also know that "compromise" is not a foul word and that it takes compromise--from both sides of the aisle on Capitol Hill to get things moving and growing. I know I don't have time or energy to feed my ego to make governing America all about me--it's all about, "We The People" whether people vote for me or not. I cannot just consider policies that benefit only those who voted for me. In fact, once the election is over, I must start composing an agenda and garnering all the experts who will help me make it happen.

I'm not rich--far from it.  I'm a retired educator with a limited income and will have to raise money for my campaign using rather unusual methods and encourage all who want to see real change in Washington to help support my bid. I've already calculated that since (before deportations and others changing their citizenship after 2016 election) our population is about 327 million, I'm guessing that roughly 80% of those are registered voters and will vote--best guestimate. That means there are approximately 261 million registered voters and if 40% of those voters (104 million) would donate $3 towards my campaign, I'd have enough to do everything I need to win and turn the tide in bringing America back to its former position of being a leader on the global stage.

Oh, sure. I know there are skeptics about my ability--heck some days, I allow the enemy to convince me I'm wasting my time, but then something happens to re-ignite my hope and faith, and I gear myself up to keep on going. That's what this post is about--pushing me to keep on going. Listen, many could create a list of things that I don't know about governing, but I'll start my list as to what I do know: I know I love this country and every citizen in it--and I know how to love unconditionally because I am loved--unconditionally. I care about the well being of everyone--especially the poor and the vulnerable. I know with the right people around me--guiding and advising me, America can only get better--adding to its greatness. I know I can take with me to the White House, dignity, integrity and honor--along with a sense of humor and a bit of silliness to shake off the negative Nellies. I also don't golf--if that means anything to anyone--I'm pretty much a homebody--traveling only when I need to do so. I love to read, write, bowl, and watch a good movie. I also love to encourage others to extend themselves--beyond their reach--in order to reach their goals.

I know I don't have to be rich to know what's best for others. I've been through the struggles and challenges that many face--being a single mother, having had a childhood full of lack, no one pushing or encouraging my direction in my life, but there was within me--a spark--that ignited risk and kept me going--daring to venture into fields and arenas where I had no knowledge. And as one person told me through the years, "No matter what happened to you, you always landed on your feet."
I'm adventurous--a pragmatic optimist--and I seldom give up or give in when I'm trying to accomplish anything. I refuse to let circumstances inhibit me. Sometimes I've failed to accomplish all that I wanted to accomplish, but with the failures always came the lessons and it is the lessons learned in life--with all of my miss-steps and flaws that have molded me into being the person I am today.
That's right--I'm confident I am the Everyday American leader we need to have the voices of all Everyday Americans heard.

Nothing I say--at this juncture may convince and I certainly hope nothing said will deter you from reviewing my stance on the issues that I believe matter to most. facebook.com/YesIAm2020.  Leave a comment if I haven't addressed a specific concern of yours and I'll respond to you as quickly as I can.

If we're going to make a difference in what happens to the poor and vulnerable--all those who don't and won't make $75K a year, we have to work together to accomplish our goal. I'm with you and I hope you'll be with me as we navigate this journey to the White House together. Look at that--maybe I found the words I needed to express myself today after all!

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