Sunday, November 26, 2017

We Must Intercede!

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time. And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a true and faithful teacher of the Gentiles. Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. 1 Timothy 2:1-8 NIV
What does it mean to intercede on behalf of others? We seek God  or act on their behalf when it appears they are incapable of doing the right thing on their own.

Interventions are an act of love and concern for an individual or people who are headed in the wrong direction. Family interventions are needed with loved ones who succumb to addiction or other negative behaviors and in some cases, interventions are needed in workplaces where those in authority fail to see how their actions affect the whole in a negative way.

Since we have an idiot in the White House--who is incapable of rational, logical thinking--we must intercede--praying for him, his family and the entire administration who has succumbed to cult mentality and will not rein him in.

We pray against the lying that is so pervasive from those in the White House, they won't even admit when they're lying. They have succumbed to the thought that "alternative facts" are actual facts and not another label for "lies."

We pray against their plots to conspire against America and all Americans with their blatantly obvious rhetoric and behavior that leads to the erosion of our Constitution and eventual destruction of our democracy.

We pray against all those white nationalists who seek to divide and further destroy humanity with their hatred and bigotry.

We pray against all the dictators and authoritarians and their hold on any US citizen.

We pray against all liars who deliberately attempt to deceive the nations and any group of people by use of false propaganda in whatever form it takes.

We pray that all people everywhere, will open their eyes and see truth, empty their hearts of hatred and allow love to fill the void, and close their ears to lies perpetuated by those who have decided to join the devil's army and hear only truth from the Spirit of God, residing within.

It is time to stop complaining about all the stuff occurring in our politics, cities, capitol and all over the world and do something. The one thing we can do stop all the stupidity is to recognize and receive truth when we hear and to encourage all to get out and vote--vote for those who have demonstrated by their actions that they are humanitarians, capable of loving and concern for others and not just the folks who "claim to be Christians, but we see no Christ in them."

It is up to us who know how Christ lived as an example to us to do what He would do. It is up to us to care for the poor, needy, and vulnerable and to fight for their rights. It is up to us to call out lies whenever and wherever we hear or see them. Those of us who know truth, should never be afraid to speak truth and expose the lies and the liars.

Therefore, by now all with a functioning brain should understand that we have a liar-in-chief in the White House and all of his spokespersons lie when they regurgitate his lies. There are no alternative facts to spin the lies--they lie--pure and simple and every time they lie or promote false propaganda, truth is easily and quickly revealed.

Mainstream Media--CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WAPO, ABC, NBC are not fake news. Fox News--is not a news network, but a licensed entertainment network that posits opinions and biased opinions that promote hatred and bigotry. Hillary Clinton is not a pedophile or trafficking in child sex rings--no matter how many times someone says it. Nor is she or Bob Mueller in the least responsible or culpable for the Uranium One situation. That has been debunked over and over again and only the foolish and gullible still believe and promote it.

Time magazine did not call trump to say anything to him about being the Person of the Year, trump was not responsible for the release of the basketball players in China, and he is under investigation--no matter how they try to spin it. More importantly, trump doesn't have a clue as to what he's supposed to be doing and those who believe he does--need much prayer and revelations of truth. He is not a savior of the world, nor is he a great negotiator. He is a greedy, self-involved corrupt person (not a real man) who is only interested in making himself richer by violating the Constitution. His rhetoric with North Korea is a distraction to keep his base from paying attention the Mueller investigation which is closing in on all those involved in the 2016 election rigging. Of course those who believe, "God chose trump to be president," will never believe the truth because if they did, they'd have to admit--they were wrong and actually lied.

Republicans in the House clamoring for an investigation are merely providing a distraction to the gullible in hopes they will not pay attention to the unfolding and revealing revelations about their "savior and his minions."

It is time--no past time--that we who know Christ--have a relationship with Him and desire to only please Him and not people to act like we know Him and stop spreading the lies and convoluted propaganda that will eventually lead to greater loss of lives than we have recently seen. Hate destroys--love builds. When hatred is the driving force for policy decisions that affect all people, we must root out the hatred and plant love so we will not allow the decimation of millions of people.
In the coming elections--we must not allow predatory, hateful people to sit in positions of authority, making decisions for those they have violated in one way or another. We must vote for those who want to help others. Republicans--at this point--have only shown their love of a fetus--not a life after it gets here with their support of sexual predators, loss of access to healthcare and the very basics of humanitarian need. They should called themselves--"fetus-lovers" since they have no plans to assist lives once they are born. They are not the true representatives of Christ and though they loathe Democrats--Democrats have proven they have more love in their hearts for others than the "fetus-lovers."

I stand in the gap--interceding for all--for those who hearts need comforting from the loss of loved ones through military actions or madmen assaults because our law-makers care more about the NRA's donations than they do people; I'm interceding on behalf of all those whose income is less than $75K a year--that they'll get involved and called their representatives in Congress and tell them, "Not one penny for the rich if the poor don't get more." I'm interceding on behalf of all who love truth and will not perpetuate a lie that they'll find the courage and boldness to call out all who blatantly lie to make themselves something they are not.

Go vote and elect those who care about all people--not just the white people or the straight people or the "fetus-lovers" but ALL people.  This is why we must intercede with prayers and our votes!

Educated Voter 

do no harm public policy

Political philos2 

speaking out

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