Thursday, May 8, 2014

We Lack No Good Thing!

"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the LORD, you his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing.The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:8-10 NIV).

Before we can usually determine whether appetizing food is good or not, we must taste--savor it--and make a decision. Sometimes, even when a dish "looks good" we end up spitting it out (delicately) because the taste does not agree with our taste buds. And sometimes, when something does not look that great, it turns out to be absolutely delicious. But we won't know for certain until we taste it.

This is the attitude we should have with Jesus. Even though there are some who would say our time in serving God or communicating with Him is wasted, we must determine that for ourselves, by getting to know Him and trusting Him for ourselves. If we have a testimony--about God's goodness and people can "see" how our relationship with Him has changed our lives, they are more likely to "taste" Him for themselves.

If our lives are shabby (we're living any way we want to live without God's guidance) and yet try to convince someone else that God is good--we're laughable. Unfortunately, this is the reason many will not come to Jesus to try Him for themselves--the people who are trying to convince others, are not true representatives of Him.  They are full of hate, critical of others without facts, turn up their noses at others when they see they are distressed, and would not lift a finger to help someone else unless there was something in it for them. This does not provide an appeal for anyone to trust in The Lord or seek Him.

But those who have insight and wisdom into the deeper things of God (beyond surface level) understand the need to be the best representative of who He is to all people at all times. We can create a desire in others to seek God for themselves when our lives speak volumes of His goodness.

We must trust, fear (hold God in reverence, not be afraid of Him), and seek Him at all times and He has promised that we would lack no good thing. If we are lacking any good thing, perhaps it is because we are not trusting Him, holding Him in reverence or seeking Him for direction about everything.

O Taste and see how good God is and how He loves us. Seek understanding for why He was willing to die for us and now offers us power--through Holy Spirit--to accomplish all things to His glory!

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