Saturday, July 30, 2016

Determined by Love!

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Peace to the brothers and sisters, and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Ephesians 6:18-20, 23, 24 NIV
After declaring to us--Believers in The Lord Jesus Christ--how to stay dressed--armored up to get through this journey in life, Paul tells to pray--for all "The Lord's people. And then he makes a declaration upon all the brothers and sisters in The Lord for peace and grace to rest upon all who love The Lord.

How do we determine who our brothers and sisters in The Lord are? The Word tells us that we shall each other by our love--visibly demonstrated--for one another. For where there is love, peace and grace abound; where love is not found--only fear and trepidation are known.

Political Alert and Assertion
I have been told that some do not appreciate my support of Hillary Clinton for president because of the Democratic/Progressive Platform. I have also been told that if I do not stand with Republicans and declare myself pro-life, my work will not be supported/promoted through this blog. All this from a "brother in The Lord."

Well, here is my response from a "sister in The Lord." My decisions and my support of Hillary Clinton are based on my communications with The Lord, not people. I have stated before that I do not condone some of the platform on which she is running, but I do know--not just believe--she is the most qualified person to sit in the White House--in spite of shortcomings as a human being. But then, none of us are perfect--are we?

I am PRO-CHOICE--not pro-abortion and there is a difference. God has given us free-will choice since He created us and it began in the garden with Adam and Eve. There are consequences for every choice we make and we have to consider the consequences before we choose to do anything. But I will not interfere with a choice a person makes because I am not the one who has to deal that consequence and I have neither heaven or hell for anyone. What I can do--for anyone having to make a choice about anything--is to pray they receive God's wisdom and obey Him.

As for those who are pro-life, I ask this question of you: If life before presentation (being born) is precious, how can anyone justify taking the life of a person outside the womb? Killing is killing and there is no difference. So, when I look at some of the behavior of those who proclaim to be "pro-life," I do not want to be affiliated with them. And some of these same people--who are pro-life--seem to find justification in racism and bigotry and fear-mongering. If they truly know The Lord--how can this be? For The Word says, through Paul's letter to Timothy--"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind." Where fear is promoted--that is not of God. We know those who love God because they promote love of all--not just themselves or for those who look and act like them.

Those who promote being fearful, and encourage disrespecting others, and demonstrate mental instability, are not flowing in the love of God. They do not belong to Him. If they are not part of the family, I have no obligation to them.

For those who promote hope in the midst of crises, have proven their worth in public service helping others, and who rise above the fray to encourage others--I see them as part of the family because they are demonstrating The Word by their actions.

On this blog--though I usually attempt to expound scripture and the practical application of The Word in our lives--my tag for this blog is, "Writing About Life" and politics is part of our lives. Therefore, I will address a number of issues that may not be palatable for a number of people, but I will always do so demonstrating application of The Word.

So, for the remainder of this political cycle--since it is not my intent to offend anyone--if those who are offended by my political stance--which is not contrary to my faith in God--choose to not follow this blog--Godspeed. I respect your right to choose what you read. I will continue to pray for you and love you, but I will not allow anyone--to deter me from acting in love--for the benefit of all--as Holy Spirit leads me.

May The Lord continue to reveal His Truth to all who are willing to receive that we may live in peace and harmony, knowing how to love all-unconditionally.

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