Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Lessons Learned!

Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults; whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse. Do not rebuke mockers or they will hate you; rebuke the wise and they will love you. Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. For through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer. Proverbs 9:7-12 NIV
#Politics Alert
For the past two days, I have--as per my habit--scrolled through various media articles and commented on those I thought warranted a comment. It is always my intent to simply comment "to the article" and I never comment on what another poster has said--unless they reply to me directly.
Herein lies the challenge--for them and me. It would appear that many who post to Internet articles feel they are the only ones entitled to an opinion and they repeatedly end up calling people names when asked to produce verification of what they said. Here's an example to a comment I wrote regarding the use of the song, "We Are The Champions" on CNN 7/19/16.
Mary Hall-RayfordNot surprising--he thinks he can get away with anything. After all, he hijacked the GOP in order to pursue his own attention-getting agenda that's all about him!

Tony Guidroz
Tony GuidrozWell Hilary knows that she will get away with everything, including murder, illegally sending classified information, and perjury. You let me know when Donald gets on that level.

Mary Hall-Rayford
Mary Hall-RayfordTony Guidroz Who did Hillary murder? I must have missed that trial!

Tony Guidroz
Tony GuidrozThose are FACTS.

Mary Hall-Rayford
Mary Hall-RayfordTony Guidroz You didn't provide any facts--just more speculation and obscure biased opinion. Who did she murder and when was the trial held? Just the facts, please!

Tony Guidroz
Tony GuidrozLet me guess you are denying all those others or no? I gave you all facts that you can look up yourself. You seem pretty lazy not wanting to do any research for yourself. Typical.

Mary Hall-Rayford
Mary Hall-RayfordTony Guidroz Actually, you gave me NO FACTS--just innuendo--there is a difference. I usually research information before I proffer an opinion--about anything. Who did she murder and when was the trial? That is factual information and unless you can prove it--with documentation--you might want to take a nap and then wake up from your delusional world.
Tony GuidrozI told you. Where are your factual rebuttals for the FACT that she is a thief, that she sent classified information illegally, and that she committed perjury? All things that are on video. As for the murderer part, she didn't pull the trigger, but she may as well have. Oh and she was investigated for it. She's not in prison for the same reason that she's not in prison for the email scandal. She is apparently above the law.
Tony GuidrozShe sat there and lied to Congress on 2 separate occasions, about 2 separate cases. So sad that you defend a woman who takes money and sympathizes with the very people that view women as property. She belittled and berated women that were sexually abused by her sex crazed husband. She calls black men super predators, yet she has your support. Lmao. Who's the delusional one?
Marvel Amber John If she was this bad she should be behind bars. She's not.. Your point? No wait! Don't tell me.
Mary Hall-Rayford Tony Guidroz I didn't say one word about anything other than your allegation that she had committed murder. None of what you just spewed provides any factual information of your allegation. But I won't belabor the point that you keep straying away from. You're entitled to your delusions and as for the other allegations that I'm defending her--where did I say that or did you just assume that? Not much for facts are you? Just spewing bigotry, I guess--is a way to spend your time. Have a wonderful day!
My point to titling this post, "Lessons Learned" is that even though I tried to end the conversation with calm, it escalated into something far more sinister than needed to be.

While I realize every person on the planet has already concluded who their political candidate is, I am extremely cautious about making accusations about anyone--without concrete evidence. I have to admit, I seldom experience the kind of hatred for one person that I've seen lately about Hillary (in the past about Obama simply because of his skin color). People have criticized everything about the woman--from the clothes she wears to her husbands past indiscretions and everything in between and beyond.

Who has never committed a stupid act in their life? Who has never made mistakes? As I pointed out to several people on that thread yesterday, I usually research information before I speak on it and can and have provided links to support what I say. But the lesson I have learned is that no matter what you say to some people--they go into attack mode and never recover from it. At that point--it is wiser to stop talking to them--even though they won't stop.

I'm not afraid of controversy and I don't back down from anyone attempting to bully or intimidate me--I know who I am and don't have to prove that to anyone. I am concerned about the level of hate that people don't have a problem displaying and how all that hatred impacts the challenges we see on a daily basis.

I encourage substantive discussion about issues I care strongly about, but I refuse to be embroiled in stupidity--where what we say, matters not. While I can respect a differing opinion by anyone, that courtesy is not often reciprocated, but it won't stop me.

When The Lord speaks to my heart, I will respond and obey. It does not matter if people accept what is said; what matters is my obedience and therefore, I will continue to obey God for He is the only one who deserves my praise. Politicians--come and go--and in the end, only what we do for Christ will have any lasting impact in our society.

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