Friday, July 15, 2016

Know Who To Trust!

Let those who fear the LORD say: “His love endures forever.” When hard pressed, I cried to the LORD; he brought me into a spacious place. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in humans. It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes. Psalm 118:4-8 NIV
For those who truly reverence The Lord and stand in awe of His goodness and mercy, we can say, "His love endures forever." For those who don't know, it's time they understand what it means. "Fear" in this passage does not mean to be scared or afraid of--it means to hold in high esteem--reverence--The Lord. There is no need for anyone to be afraid of God, but there is a need to know and understand how He will allow negative consequences to fall upon us when we choose to ignore Him.

Though there are those who indignantly proclaim that the bible is simply an ancient book of myths, those who believe God--know better. The bible is a blueprint for living.  In it we find records of God's interactions with the people He loves and instructions to keep us from falling into the pits and snares set by the evil one. If people want to believe the bible has no significance, they have every right to believe just that. They also have every right to receive the consequences of their unbelief.

Throughout history--as recorded in "the history books" that people trust, we see how The Word of God aligns with the events recorded by others. There is no mystery or magic involved with the bible. It simply provides a historical perspective from another view. That's what history is--a record of events as reported from the perspective of those recording it. Historical accounts of anything will vary based upon perspective and the ability to publicize the account. It's like a police officer getting accounts of an event by witnesses who were positioned in various locations of the event. Their account will vary, but the primary tenets of the event will be the same. Although some might say, someone lied; they didn't lie--they simply told what "they saw" from their vantage point.

In spite of all the media attempts to persuade us about--anything--we must learn to trust our relationship with God for--everything. The rescue we need in our society won't come from mere mortals who perpetuate violence and hatred. It will come from The Lord when we decide enough is enough and repent of our evil ways and seek His direction in all things. God is able to provide us with clear insight and direction, but are we willing to trust our relationship with Him to obey?

I am praying and have been praying for the bigotry and hatred to cease, but it won't stop until people are willing to look into their hearts and acknowledge what's there. "For out of the abundance of the heart--the mouth speaks" (Matthew 12:24). Is there hatred or love overflowing our hearts? Will we be acquitted by the words we speak or condemned by the words we speak?

Bridle our tongues, Lord that we may only speak what we hear You say!

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