Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Finding Safety!

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“ ‘The days are coming,’ declares the LORD, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. “ ‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior.’ Jeremiah 33:14-16 NIV
If we look at The Word of The Lord, we know that true safety will only be found in Him. None of the rest of what people say will matter since we know we can trust the word of those in positions to keep us safe. Specifically, the WH administration apparently has no regard for the safety of Americans since Michael Flynn was put in a position--with access to sensitive information--and Russian ties for which he lied about.

I hate to sound redundant, but it would appear that everyone in this administration lies to the point of being pathological.

How many times have we seen Sean Spicer attempt to spin truth with more lies?

Isn't this how we arrived at "alternative facts" with Kellyanne Conway?

We know the liar-in-chief lies about everything, including the lies and thinks the rest of us are either stupid or blind (we see his tweets). 

I suspect that those heading the military and NSA are lying to the president to bolster his ego and polling, but their lies--may lead us into a war into which the loss of lives will be catastrophic.

I do not believe for one moment--that Mike Pence didn't know about Michael Flynn since there are photos of them with Russians before the election. Since Mike Pence doesn't have a Christian bone in his body, his lies about that make all Christians suspect. No one can honestly claim to be a Christian and not love all and defend the rights of the poor and needy.

The religious right in Congress--both House and Senate have apparently been lying to people to years in order to maintain a seat--a job in which taxpayers are paying them to go on recess more than they do actual work for the betterment of all Americans. Their only concern has to be pass laws that benefit the wealthy (2%) and the rest of us (98%) are on our own--as demonstrated with the passage of the latest version of tRumpcare. If we cannot expect lawmakers to care about our access to affordable healthcare, what makes us think they'll care about our safety?

Stating the obvious--the launch of missiles on Syria were not sanctioned by Congress and neither was the dropping of a bomb on Afghanistan--though they should have been. The United States was not in imminent danger from either country, but the liar-in-chief--in effort to flex his muscles, ordered the launches. No safety from that end of Washington can be expected.

And then--on top of everything else--he demonstrates his disdain of protocol and respect for traditional proceedings--yet again, in an attempt to intimidate Sally Yates before a Senate hearing began and since the Senate would not cancel the hearing, the Republicans--of note--Kennedy, Coryn, and Cruz made fools of themselves trying to attack Ms. Yates' credibility with off-topic questions. No, we cannot count on our safety being protected by rude, belligerent old white men who wanted to do nothing else than to humiliate a woman. They were humiliated instead when the Hamanesque effect took place.

Our only avenue for safety can be found in Jesus Christ and while we pray for sound judgment in those in leadership positions, we must remember--our hope and trust is not in them, but in Him.

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