Thursday, July 25, 2013

God vs Idols!

"Present your case," says the LORD. "Set forth your arguments," says Jacob's King.  "Tell us, you idols, what is going to happen..."(Isaiah 41:21,22 NIV).

For just a moment, imagine we are spectators in the court of life and we hear Isaiah speaking for God to the lost--those who have turned their backs on Him.  In earlier verses, God has already declared what He will do--make the barren places come alive with growth, provide for the poor and the needy, so they will know that it is Him who is their provider.  And now, it is time for the people to explain what their idol gods will do.

The case being made here is that any idol (anything we worship over God) can do very little on its own.  No statute, no beads, no job, no car, no amount of wealth (anything we make with our own hands or a facsimile thereof) can operate on its own and will do nothing to benefit mankind. The children of Israel had been warned time and again about what would happen to them if they put their trust in man.  I can imagine--when put to the test and if they had been smart--they would have immediately destroyed all the idols--the gods they worshipped in the hills or sacrificed children upon--would no longer exist and they would have benefitted from God's mercy and love.

But what did they do?  They ignored the warnings--the reminders of what God had done in the past for them and the prophecy of what He would do in the future.  In fact, they detested what God had to say so much that they later sawed Isaiah in half--thinking that would stop God from talking.

God has always and will always have someone willing to speak on His behalf.  He will never be silenced and as He has proven in the past, if we will not speak for Him, He'll use an animal or have the rocks cry out in praise of Him.  For whom will you be a witness of today?  God or the idols?  I refuse to have use an animal or stones to speak when I have a tongue and a voice that I can raise loud and long in praise of Him, who has done all things marvelously well, on my behalf.  Glory to God!  Hallelujah!

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