Sunday, July 21, 2013

His Timing is Not Ours!
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance"(2 Peter 3:9 NIV).

Isn't it good to know that God's timing is not measured by our timing?  Hallelujah!  If His timing was calculated based upon how "we determine time," most of us would be in trouble. 

The Word tells us that Jesus is coming back--does not specify time--but for those who truly believe, we know He's coming back.  Many people have doubted The Word because they do not understand God's timing.  We are told in The Word that with God, "a thousand years is like one day and one day like a thousand years".  This is how God measures time.  If we, as human beings, could ever get past the notion that we can--define, demonstrate, illustrate, or explain God based on our own finite knowledge of anything--God would have a better chance of accomplishing some things through us.  As it is, we miss God's best for our lives because we attempt to bring Him down to our level of thinking instead of allowing Him to bring us up to His level of thinking and doing. 

He also reminds us that, "His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways".  Why? Because He's God--the omniscient One, all-knowing God--the One who created us and not the other way around.  Once we accept this simple fact, we put ourselves in position to receive His best--in His timing, not ours.  Think about it!  If we truly thought and acted like God, the world would be in a much better place because all we would do is "love one another" as He has commanded us to do.

So, the next time you get a little frustrated waiting to see God's promises fulfilled in your life--know this!  His timing is not ours, but He is not a man that He should lie. If He promised it, He will bring it to pass!  Hallelujah!

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