Monday, July 29, 2013

Light Walking!

"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another,and the blood Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" (1 John 1:7 NIV).

Why are we encouraged to walk 'in the light'? In the previous verse of scripture, we are told that if we 'claim to have fellowship and yet walk in darkness, we lie'. Wow!  When I think about all of the things that those who proclaim to be Christians do--that belie having fellowship with Jesus--I get a greater understanding of why we are not in pure fellowship with one another.  How do we walk in darkness? With the sins that so easily beset us and are usually committed in the dark or under cover of some "politically correct rhetoric" that refutes God's Word in order to accommodate those who desire to pacify flesh--the carnal ones--keep people in darkness from The Truth.

But if we walk in the light--everything we do is exposed to the light of day and nothing attempted to be hidden by a cloister of words that mislead and we promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ--we can have embrace one another--in love--in spite of differences of opinion, gender, race, or faith.  When we can have pure fellowship with one another, we walk in fellowship with Him who is The Light. 

Come on!  Let's do some Light Walking today!

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