Saturday, July 20, 2013

Who Can We Trust?

"Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you" (Psalm 73:25).

The real question by the Psalmist here is, who can I really trust, but You, God?  He acknowledges that there is nothing on earth worth having or desiring than God in his life.

Have we come to the end of ourselves and realize that we can do absolutely nothing without God in our lives?  Do we realize that even when we fall short in His eyes, He is yet there to forgive and bring us back into a place where we understand His love for us? 

There are times when I look at the things that take place in our society and wonder to myself if Jesus has any regrets about sacrificing His life for us.  So many seem to take life for granted--they do whatever they want to do, treat people any kind of way, are totally thoughtless about the welfare and well-being of others--and they do all of this to make sure they have what they want, no matter how they get it.  I shake my head when I watch the news with the horrors that I see committed against the vulnerable, the poor, and those who don't look like the presiding policy-makers.

What have we come to when we do not recognize the plights of those who cannot fend for themselves?  Why don't we make better attempts to educate those who vote for law-makers when we know they do not understand the process?  Why do we who know better, do nothing except complain? 

Lord, forgive us for our apathy.  Help us to take on your nature in caring for others and remind us daily that You are really the only One we can truly trust in times of need. Thank You for loving us and giving us chance after chance to get living right before You!  Hallelujah!

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