Saturday, August 24, 2013

Believe When You Ask!

"But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord" (James 1:6,7 NIV).

One of the reasons that many people do not get a chance to see their prayers answered is because when they ask God for something, they really don't have the faith to receive. How do we know that we lack faith to receive?  When we doubt, "if it be possible Lord..."  With God, all things are possible so why would we hinder God by not believing His Word?  When we keep asking for the same thing over and over again, we demonstrate that either we don't believe He heard us or He might forget.  God hears and answers prayer.  The answer may not be what we expected, but He does not ignore us. "A delayed response is not a denial" to our request.  Sometimes, we are not ready to receive the abundance He has to give us and so He waits until we are.

Don't complain and become bitter when prayers are not answered instantly.  Wait! The answer is coming.  Don't doubt!  The Word says that when we doubt we are "double-minded" and we can expect to receive "absolutely nothing" from Him.

When we ask, we must believe that He hears and He will respond--not necessarily when we  want Him to respond, but He is always on time (His timing). When we ask, we must keep thanking Him for what we have asked until we see it come to pass.  Our thanks to Him before we see the answer demonstrates our faith, not our doubt.

Don't let the enemy deceive you into thinking God doesn't care about you.  He does and when you ask, in Jesus' name, He is obligated to respond to any prayer that aligns with His Word.  "God is not a man that He should lie."  Believe when you ask and watch how God works!

I am so confident that I will see 1 million copies of my books sold on that I keep praising Him, daily for His goodness, mercy, and favor in touching the hearts of 1 million plus readers.  Hallelujah!  He is just that Good!

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