Monday, August 12, 2013

He Is Good!

"You are good, and what you do is good; teach me your decrees" (Psalm 119:68 NIV).

People may say a lot of things about David (some good, some not so good), but in this verse (as in the entire Psalm), we see acknowledgement of who God is and what God does.  Consider everything David went through, before coming King and during his reign.  Even though he was hailed a hero, he was betrayed and had to run for his life.  Even though he knew God, he committed a horrific act in manipulating a man's death and using his wife.  Even though his children, were not the best children in the world, he still understood God's goodness.  Even when he was dying, he was glad he had known God's goodness. And God, even though David was not perfect, saw him as a "man after my own heart". Wow!  And because God was so good to David, David was always imploring God--to "teach him" more about Him and He did.

We don't have to be perfect to receive from God, but we must know and understand how God operates.  Everything He does or allows, is for our good.  Even the trials we face, are designed to make us stronger.  Those who hate us--provide us a reason to communicate with God, daily.  Those children who won't follow our directions, remind us of how God still loves us, even when we don't follow His directions. 

So, the phrase that has become so popular and prevalent over the last few decades, "God is good all the time and all the time, God is good" didn't start with one church or one preacher in the 20th Century.  The fact that God is good was acknowledged a long time ago and since He is God, He can be nothing else but good.  He is good--He was then, He is now, and He will forever be who He is and do what He does.  Now that we know that much, are we imploring Him to teach us more about Him? 

Lord, thank You for being so good to us, even when we have not been so good to You.  Thank You for loving us enough to give us chance, after chance to get living for You right.  Teach us daily, O Lord, how we are live and treat others, to Your glory.  In Jesus name, I pray, Amen!

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