Saturday, August 3, 2013

Blessed or Cursed?

"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19 NIV). 

Many people do not like to be reminded of what is said in Old Testament scriptures and actually attempt to discredit much of which is said.  While I will not enter into a debate about it, I will point some things out that have come to pass, just as The Word said it would. 

I have always considered Deuteronomy 28 to be the book of blesses and curses, simply because the first 14 verses talk about how God will bless us.  And then from verse 15 through 68, we are told how we become cursed--through disobedience.  Notice there are far more scriptures relating to how we'll be cursed than how we are blessed. 

And then are those people who would attempt to discredit a person's ability to "choose" to believe God.  We see in this verse--that we have always had a choice--to be obedient or disobedient.  We choose life or death; blessings or curses by our obedience or disobedience to God's Word.  Now for those who don't believe God exists, that's a choice, too. But for those of us who profess an unwavering belief in God and His Word, we are accountable for what we do--we should all be walking in the blessings of the Lord. 

The bottom line for me is simply this:  If I am obedient to God in "all" He says (love Him and love others), I will be blessed and everything I put my hands to shall prosper.  If I choose to disobey (hold hatred against others and create chaos and confusion by my words or acts), then I can expect my efforts not to do much of anything, but be cursed. I get it!

I choose life and prosperity and being blessed over being cursed.  What about you?

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