Tuesday, August 20, 2013

He Can Handle It!

"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken" (Psalms 55:22 NIV). 

The cares of this world and our own personal lives can sometimes weigh us down to the point that we are bent over or beat down--trying to carry a weight beyond our means to endure. What would happen to us if we were bench-pressing--attempting to lift weights far beyond our ability to hold up the weights?  We could be seriously injured for the rest of our lives.

If physical weight could cause us injury, wouldn't the same be true for emotional or spiritual weights--worry, frustration, anger, depression,and  unforgiveness ?  Many of us are beaten down by the weight of our worries about employment, family, finances or loneliness.  This worry can lead to anger, depression, and frustration.  But perhaps the biggest weight--the greatest danger--is an inability to forgive--either self (and carry the guilt of our actions) or others. 

In most cases--the cause of our worry--there is nothing we can do about it and if we can do something about it, we need not worry.  If you're going to pray, don't worry.  If you're going to worry, don't waste your time praying. Sounds crass, but it's true.  We can and should hand over all of our concerns to The Lord--He can handle it, when we cannot. 

In the case of unforgiveness--this weight--has caused people to see an early grave.  Forgive and let it go.  Release that burden to The Lord--He can handle it.  When we forgive--we think differently, our bodies react differently, and we can see God working on our behalf.  When we don't forgive--that heaviness creates a darkness in our spirits that makes seeing light difficult, if not impossible.  Give it to God!  He can handle it!

Lord, help us to release every care, every concern we might be holding onto and especially the weight of unforgiveness.  We thank You for making our burdens lighter as we take on Your nature so might be used by You to draw others to You.  In Jesus' name we pray and thank You, Amen!

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