Friday, November 21, 2014

Simple Version-I Agree With God!

“Can you solve the mysteries of God? Can you discover everything about the Almighty? Such knowledge is higher than the heavens—and who are you? It is deeper than the underworld—what do you know?" (Job 11:7,8 NLT)

Age-old questions that man is still trying to answer and because there are some things that no one can explain--many have said, "There is no God!"

Why does God allow this happen? Why does God allow that to happen? Why are there starving people in the world? Why are there wars? Why do children suffer? Where was God when all the negative things in the world happened?

Instead of trying to waste brain power and time in explaining the "whys or why nots" of God's allowance of things, I've determined there is one simple answer--I agree with God!

No, I don't know everything and I'm in good company--neither does anyone else! But this one thing I do know--God knows and the last time I checked, He doesn't owe anyone an explanation for anything since He created all things--on His own--without consulting us.

What He has done--for our benefit--is to speak to those who were willing to listen and record what He said. Even though some think The Word is a book of fiction, they have yet not been able to deny the authenticity of actual segments of history. For this reason, scientists are always trying to disprove something in the bible only to discover they were wrong and God is right.

Pride truly is a terrible thing when we allow it get in the way of receiving God's blessings. Only those with so much pride in their own limited knowledge of what they have discovered--will never see what God has truly planned for them. If we stop wasting our time in trying to determine the whys and just accept what He has done and is doing for all those who love Him, our time would be better served in accomplishing all that He wants us to do!

So, I don't have any more answers about why God does or allows things than anyone else, but I have decided--rather than question Him--I'll simply agree with Him and enjoy life and His many blessings!

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