Monday, November 24, 2014

The Penalty For Lying!

"A false witness will not go unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape." (Proverbs 9:5 NKJV)

I'm praying for any and everyone who lives to lie and cause harm to others--simply to gain monetary benefit or center stage with all lights on them.

The problem for liars is that God has already addressed their final outcome--they will thrown into the lake of fire--no escape route possible. There--with hell and Satan and all the other demonic forces-they shall be for all eternity.

I remember some years ago when I was teaching Bible Study at my home and a little boy asked me about hell. I asked him if he had ever burned himself on something hot and he had. So, I told him to imagine that hell--is 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x 1000 x hotter than anything he had experienced. His eyes bucked and he made a decision right then--he did not want to go to hell.

Many people don't believe hell is real because they don't believe God is real and they certainly won't pay any attention to anything in the Bible. That is so sad. If they understood the love God has for us and He does not desire to see anyone He loves thrown in the lake of fire, they would do better. That's His desire--but we all make choices--to do what is right or to do what is wrong.

Remember this--Satan is the father of liars and his job is to kill, steal, and destroy--he has no problem influencing others to do his bidding so he can sit back at laugh at their folly.

Liars--all of them whether pathological or convenient or systematic--always create problems for the innocent. They gather to themselves false witnesses and those who proclaim to know a matter when they don't, are also destined to be thrown in the lake of fire because they too--are lying.

If we only spent our time doing what is right, we'd never have to worry about doing what is wrong--for us or anyone else.

"The Truth shall make us free" from the penalty of being in the lake of fire, so let's determine to always tell the truth, no matter how much it may hurt us, or cause us to lose that temporary monetary gain or fame. Integrity is still a valued virtue and I'd rather maintain my integrity in all things that lose it for money or fame. I belong to Jesus and I will proclaim truth as He reveals it and I will not become part of gangland mentality in destroying the lives of others. Satan is not my father and I will not give him that place of honor--by lying.

Everything we do has a consequence--we will either be rewarded or penalized--what is your choice today?

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