Sunday, November 9, 2014

Way of Faith Revealed!

"But the Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ. Before the way of faith in Christ was available to us, we were placed under guard by the law. We were kept in protective custody, so to speak, until the way of faith was revealed." (Galatians 3:22,23 NLT)

If we never read what the Scriptures say, we will never know what they declare. "For all have sinned and fallen short..." and this is why we need to receive the work on the cross, through Jesus Christ, by faith--the way of redemption!

There are some who believe it is our works that matter more than our faith. They did not read what the Scriptures declared: "Faith, without works, is dead." It is because of our faith in Jesus Christ that we are able to do good works--seeking His direction so He gets the glory and not us.

I have often had people say, through the auspices of social media, that they did not believe in God and they thought helping people was simply a way of life. They thought my profession of faith was a waste of time. What they did not know was that I have worked tirelessly, helping others, even when I was in need for myself and my children. It didn't matter. My love for Jesus and knowing that I had to share the love He gives me, was important enough for me to do for others, before considering myself. And because He loves and honors the works of my hands, my needs have always been met through one avenue or another. God always puts us on someone's heart, who is willing to hear Him, to meet a need.

However, if we have not faith in the work on the cross, we negate God's love for us, and we miss hearing what He has to say so we can be a benefit to others (not seeking our own glory or patting ourselves on the back). It is because of His love for me that He was raised on that cross and suffered the indignities of those who had no faith, that I can stay in faith--in Him--always knowing that nothing I ever need, will be withheld from Him. Glory Hallelujah! That's faith, revealed!

Whatever the scriptures declare, I can declare with confidence because my faith in Him, is immoveable, nothing wavering, even when I cannot see what He is doing, I know He is working things out for my good!

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