Saturday, November 22, 2014

We Know His Name!

"And those who know Your name will put their trust in You; For You, LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You." (Psalm 9:10 NKJV)

One of the reasons many people don't know God is because of all the negatives that some have attributed to Him. When people believe the worst of anyone--what they think they know--is a different perspective from one who actually knows.

Our God, The Lord Jesus Christ--is love and therefore, He can only love as a loving Father.

Our God, The Lord Jesus Christ--is the Son of the Father (God in the flesh) and He can only do what He has seen the Father do and say what the Father says.

Our God, The Lord Jesus Christ--is Holy Spirit--the spirit of God living in us--and He will only tell us what He hears the Father say.

How can we put our trust in someone we don't know? Most people cannot and since they cannot trust Him, they choose to refute who He is.

Now, here is the real challenge--why is it that those who claim to know Him and His name, have difficulty fully trusting in all He is and His Word?

If, we as Believers--fully understand and know who He is--we should not have a problem trusting Him--in all things--and never worry about the outcome of anything. Do we worry? Do we have doubts and are overanxious about things over which we cannot control?

I have learned and still learning that when I trust Him--totally trust Him--I can navigate life without concern about what "may" happen next. I know from experience that whatever happens--I will get through it if I just praise Him and trust Him to do what He said He would do--never forsake me, never abandon me, never leave me alone, always guiding me, loving me, setting me in position for victory. I am more than a conqueror through Him because of His love. I can do all things through Him and therefore there is nothing, I cannot do and do well to His glory!

I not only know who He is--His name--I know His attributes and His character and I know beyond a shadow of doubt, that He will never withdraw His love from me.

Thank You, Lord Jesus for love, mercy, and favor--even though I may not be worthy because I sometimes miss the mark, yet Your abiding love keeps me from being perpetually lost to the temptations of this world. It is because I desire to please You above all things that I know I cannot bring shame to Your name, by my actions or attitudes. Thank You for always curbing my tongue and comforting my heart, giving me peace and understanding in how to do those things I must. 

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