Monday, November 28, 2016

Our God Shall Deliver!

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORDAnd everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved; for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be deliverance, as the LORD has said, even among the survivors whom the LORD calls. Joel 2:28-32 NIV
The fate of the nation, as always,  depends upon the Lord's deliverance and that deliverance shall come when we learn to depend upon Him.

There are many things from which we need deliverance.

Some of us need deliverance from online shopping. Every time we see something we think we like, we order and then wonder why we can't save money. And we need to save every dime we can for that rainy day fund--for soon--there will be a deluge of rain and if we have nothing stored against the havoc, we will suffer loss.

Some of us need deliverance from promoting lies. We tend to accept all the latest gossip from various fake news articles as being credible and then without thinking twice, we share on social media accounts or in break rooms, with friends and neighbors and anyone who will listen to us. We become the target of unsavory markets--deliberately snagging personal data when we download information through social media accounts--and they in turn send more lies and many believe them.

Some of us need deliverance from all sorts of addictions--drugs, alcohol, overeating, stealing, lying, and even unsolicited counseling/advice. If we have an addictive spirit--we can become addicted to almost anything because the "thing" becomes our comfort and joy. No addiction can be overcome without changing what we do. I quit smoking by giving up coffee and talking on the phone over 30 years ago. These were habits that led to me lighting a cigarette. The first thing I did (after praying) was to stop buying cigarettes. I couldn't smoke what I didn't have.

In order to break addictive cycles, we must be willing to acknowledge there is a problem, and then "do" something about it. We can stay away from all those things that keep us controlled, but lying and giving unsolicited counseling--we need to change our mindset, think before opening our mouths and realize that the lies we tell--corrupt our reputation and soon no one believes anything we say. The unsolicited counseling/advice is ignored and people tend to avoid us because they know--we tend to think we know what is best for everyone when it actuality, we barely know what's best for ourselves.
Jesus Christ--our redeemer--has given us the ultimate means of deliverance from sin and all other things that we allow to control us--He has delivered us from us--when we allow Holy Spirit to direct our steps in all things. He does not force us or make us do anything, but when we allow Him to direct us and we listen to Him, we can overcome anything that attempts to assail us and keep us from receiving God's best.

God shall deliver us from all things that keep us from receiving His best in our lives--if we call upon Him and believe He will.

I believe that God--who knows all and sees all--will deliver us from any catastrophic events and that includes exposing truth about the election results. I have and will continue to call upon Him and have faith in what He is able to do. I also have faith in all those who love Him, to hear Him when He speaks and obey. I am declaring deliverance--now!

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