Sunday, September 25, 2016

Give Thanks!

Give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness.
Let the whole world know what he has done.
Sing to him; yes, sing his praises.
Tell everyone about his wonderful deeds. I Chronicles 16:8,9 NLT

Every year, the Harper Woods Band Boosters hosts a wonderful event at the high school. This year, we celebrated hosting our 22nd Band-O-Rama!

This was my second year coordinating the event and though not everything was smooth sailing, we still had a wonderful day. God provided us with just the right weather to be outdoors--with sunshine and cool temperatures.

The community provided us with assistance from former band boosters which included the CFO of the school district and his wife, Kohl employees who volunteered and a number of students.

We enjoyed watching great band performances from local schools that ranged from 50 band members to over 200 and it was delightful!

Since this is our biggest fundraiser of the year, we try to make this event as profitable as possible, but reasonable enough for all to enjoy great food and I was told--repeatedly--that our grill master "was the bomb."

Considering the fact that we never know what the weather will be from year to year when we plan this event, I can say--unashamedly--that I stayed in communication with my Daddy--I prayed for good weather, for cooperation with others, and participation from other schools and for everything to be the success He would have it to be. God never disappoints us when we know all things work for our good.

So, this morning, I'm a bit tired, but grateful--for all who contributed to this success and for meeting some really wonderful people to whom I am indebted to love for the rest of my life.

Our God is an awesome God and I know--as long as we continue to please Him--He will hear and answer prayer.

I'm thanking Him for giving me strength to endure and courage to persist in doing all things well and hearing and answering our prayers.

Giving thanks for all He has done, is doing and will do for all who love Him and live according to His Word.

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