Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Just Remember His Word!

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” John 14:1, 6, 7 NIV
Though there may be many things that we see in the news--both locally and nationally--we should not allow our hearts to be troubled or dismayed.

When we look to Jesus--the Author and Finisher of our faith, we know there is nothing impossible for Him.

Whatever the situation is, no matter how dark things may look, we must remember that He is the Light.

No matter how hateful others act around us--we must remember that He is Love!

No matter how angry we may want to get at the lies perpetuated in the media--about anything--we must remember that He is Truth and the truth shall keep us free--from lingering on thoughts of defeat or failure. Through Christ Jesus--we have victory!

Our weapons are not carnal, but spiritual and they are more powerful than any material weapon or words. We have Holy Spirit residing within and He will (if we let Him) guide all of our thoughts and keep our focus on Him who loves us and we don't have to think about those who hate--for no reason.

We don't have to concern ourselves about those who would create divisiveness and inequalities among any people because we know--In Christ, there is no gender, nor racial divide, nor ethnic divide--there is only truth in Him. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28 NIV

If we just remember His Word--we won't allow the present circumstances or situations to derail us by allowing our focus to stray. With God going before us--He is more than the world against us.

When people lie in an attempt to persuade, we simply need to speak truth or type truth as it is written and not stoop to the levels of those who deliberately lie to distort the truth.

When truth has been revealed and the haters keep reviling us--just remember His Word--God is watching and He knows all about it.

There are some who just keep repeating the same lies--day after day, minute after minute--even though the truth has been publicized--they find it more beneficial to lie because they think the consistent repetition--will make the lies the truth--if they just keep saying it. That is not how God works because He is not a man that He should lie. And considering the fact that He has prepared a place for all liars in the lake of fire, He would not condone lying for any reason.

We don't need to follow anyone who promotes hatred of others because if we know Him, we know that He is Love and love covers a multitude of faults.
Not one of us on this earth is perfect or all-knowing, but He is and in Him we live and move and have our being. Not one of us knows the number of hairs on our head (if we have hair), but He does. Not one of us knows the end from the beginning, but He does. Not one of us can change anything about a person just by thinking we can, and God won't. He allows everyone to be exactly who they want to be.
Some accept God has a better plan that we could ever have and some don't.
Throughout our lives--God gives us CHOICE and He respects our choices--never attempting to control what we do--against our will and we should follow His example--not man since man is fickle and always changing their mind.
When we know truth--about any situation--we should rely upon the truth and ignore vicious lies and half truths because a half truth--IS A WHOLE LIE!
When we're wrong--about anything--we should own it and rectify it as quickly as we can so we can continue to do the good works He has put upon our hearts.
We don't get discouraged by what we see because we live by faith in God, not by the sight of comes before us. Just remember His Word!

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