Sunday, September 18, 2016

When The Redeemed Speak!

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those he redeemed from the hand of the foe, those he gathered from the lands, from east and west, from north and south.  Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107:1-3, 8,9 NIV
Sometimes, when we have never experienced hardship, we don't understand the hardships, trials, and challenges that others face or endure.

We don't understand how a cancer patient feels when the treatment is debilitating-taking away the desire to eat, to move forward, and sometimes--even to live.

We don't understand how it feels to be homeless, fearful of not surviving to see another day because of the all the threats of harm living on the street, not knowing if we'll live to see another day.

We don't understand the trauma experienced by a new mother who realizes that are not emotionally equipped to deal with a new baby.

We don't understand how life leads people to become addicted to substances and those substances control all they do.

We don't understand how fathers leave families to survive without them.

We don't understand how mothers would abandon her children.

We don't understand how some women survive the trauma of being raped and abused and misused.

We don't understand how discriminatory practices make people feel like they are not part of the human race.

We don't understand why some people will never be considered Americans because of the color of their skin--even though they were born here and generations of family were born here and anthem was ever written.

We don't understand how one group of people can have more respect for a flag--a symbol that does not represent all people living within its borders--than they do people.

If we have never experienced injustice--for any reason--perpetrated against anyone--we don't understand how the victims of injustice feel and if we say we do--we lie.

But for those who have endured the hardships and negative experiences of life over which they had no control, and survived--they understand. And when the survivors--all of them realize that their surviving was not about them, but about God and His purpose for us--they should shout it from the rooftops--Our God reigns!

He is a healer. He is a provider. He is a protector. He is a deliverer. He is the seat of justice and we shall stand before Him one day. He is all we can ever need and He always hears the cries of those who love Him. Give Him praise and glory for it all belongs to Him!

You and You alone, O God are worthy of our praise! We are the redeemed because of Your mercy and grace. We are the chosen because of Your love towards and we are not ashamed to say, we belong to You! Worthy is the Lamb of God and greatly to be praised!

I am the redeemed of The Lord and I say so--loudly, consistently, proudly and boldly! Without God, where would I be? Who else could I run to in my hour of need? Who else would wrap their loving arms around me and comfort me when no one else even knew the trials and challenges I faced and endure? Who, but God--can remedy wrongs--without hatred or bigotry? When love reigns--there is no fear and where there is no fear--there is no need for hatred or bigotry. Where there is no hatred or bigotry--the land is healed and peace reigns! Hallelujah for our reigning Lord, Jesus Christ!

Reign on in the hearts of men and women and children everywhere, King Jesus!

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