Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hallelujah Anyhow!

Then a voice came from the throne, saying: “Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, both great and small!” Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:5-7 NIV
It's mid week and it has been an interesting week for a number of reasons.

In politics--it has been one conspiracy theory after another--the same stuff repeated over and over again--the same hate spewed over and over again, but I'm just looking to the day when The Lord returns and none of this--happening on earth--will ever matter again. Hallelujah, anyhow!

On a personal level--some things get better and then some--well--this roller coaster called life is what it is--it has it's up and downs and we just keep it moving to get through it. Hallelujah, anyhow!

No matter what we do or say--someone is not going to be happy and some will even get so angry they'll do stupid stuff and wonder why their lives get so messed up and few people want to be around them. Hallelujah, anyhow!

What we have to learn to do is to praise God through everything--the good, the bad, the ugly and just look to Him who is the author and finisher of our faith. No one in politics can do for us what God does--so I'm just going to praise Him! I'll praise when I understand what's going on around and even when I don't. I'll praise Him when there is money in my pocket and even when there isn't. I'll praise when I'm feeling great and praise Him even more, when I don't feel 100% percent. Praising God is not about my feelings or emotions at any time; it's about praising Him for His goodness all the time--no praise ever withheld because of our circumstances! Hallelujah, anyhow!

There are some people who have decided they don't like my political stance and have stopped following me on social media accounts. I'm not angry or sad--it's their right to follow those of their choosing and it's my right to say what I want to say--about anything and everything as long as I'm not upsetting My Daddy--who is Lord of Lords. Hallelujah, anyhow.

I'm praising God for giving me the stamina and the courage to defy those who pretend they belong to Him, but are actually employed by the enemy. Hallelujah, anyhow!

I'm praising God for Him choosing me to be a watchman in this hour--bold enough to speak Truth whether people want to receive it or not and yet capable of loving all--no matter what. Hallelujah, anyhow!

There is no reason for anyone who belongs to Him to be fearful or sad or angry about anything going on around us. He is the same God--yesterday, today and forever, who deserves our praise no matter what. When we KNOW and UNDERSTAND HIS WORD, we don't have to fight with others over differences of opinion. We just trust God to know what He's doing and know that everything will be as He desires it to be.

No matter what men might try to do to us--they are limited in their ability--unless we allow them to do so--to keep us from praising God--so, Hallelujah, anyhow!

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