Thursday, September 19, 2013

Even If The Mountains Fall!

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea," (Psalm 46: 1,2 NIV).

Though the news in far-away places is usually negative and depressing, we have no need to fear.

Though politicians refuse to do the job for which they were elected (make decisions for the people, not the greedy), we have no need to fear.

Though the foolish and idiotic attempt to sway believers they are wasting their time believing in God, we have no need to fear.

Though the gun-lobbyists are fueling evil and creating environments that cost lives, we have no need to fear.

Though lawmakers create laws that encourage sin in the land, we have no need to fear.

Though there can be little hope for peace among those who are peace-breakers, and not peace-makers, we have no need to fear.

Though it may appear that all hope is lost because of man's desire to do what pleases himself instead of God, we have no need to fear.

No matter how the enemy influences others to do what is totally against God, we who believe that God is and will always be--our refuge and strength in times of trouble, have no need to fear. We can and will stand confident in the knowledge of God and in His Word and we will not be moved by trends or people who deliberately defy God. Though the mountains tumble into the sea--our confidence remains deeply rooted in the faith that God can and will save us.  Even though some may see and know physical death, our eternal resting place is guaranteed, and nothing will deter us from obtaining it.

Father, in the name of Jesus, thank You for Your Word that rises up mightily in us in the face of danger and negative reports.  Thank You for instilling in us, unmoving faith in You and in the knowledge of who You are and Your plans for us.  Remind us to encourage others in the faith, to hold onto Your Word, no matter what the enemy does, and be not moved by the appearances of things, but moved only by our faith in You.

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