Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Who's Really Against You?

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31 NIV)

In the previous verses, Paul expounds on how the Holy Spirit operates--interceding on behalf of God's people.  God has predestined the path of believers and when we move along that path, an arc of safety precedes us.  Even when it appears that we have lost our way, we discover that we need an experience to bring us even closer to God so He allows us to explore and discover--just how great He is. "And we know all things work together for our good."

So, who is it that is really against us?  Who interferes with our thought processes trying to get us to believe a lie? Who is it that tries to twist God's truth and cause some to believe it? Who is it that really wants us to fail so we won't have a reason to praise God?  Who is it that hates all that God loves?

Don't get angry with people--get mad at the enemy who influences people into doing what he wants them to do. There are people out there, who by their own confession, do not believe God, in God, or in His saving grace.  They deny the divinity of Jesus and ridicule the role of the Holy Spirit. It's not their fault.  The enemy has deceived them and others who have led them to feel this way. 

Get mad at the devil and make sure that when you wake up every morning, he trembles. Wake up praising God and looking forward to seeing Him operate in not only your life, but in the lives of others.  Help those you can when you see a need.  Pray without ceasing for people all over the world. Love like you've never loved people before in your life.  Tell people they are loved.  Show them they are loved.  Remind them of God's love. 

The devil will slink away from you when he knows that because of who you are and Whose you are, he doesn't stand a chance. God's got this!  Make sure you know who is against you and power up--with the Holy Spirit to keep the devil on the run! 

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