Sunday, September 22, 2013

Who Gets The Credit?

"...Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord" (I Corinthians 1:31 NIV).

How many times have we heard someone say, "I did this or that," I'm the one responsible for everything I have," No one helped me to do anything?" Really? No one helped!  And then there are those who claimed to have pulled themselves up in the world by their own bootstraps. Must have been some really strong, tough bootstraps to manage such a feat. 

Now, I get it! For those who don't want to believe God or realize it is because of Him that we can do anything, I get it! However, since I "know" that without God we can do absolutely nothing, worthwhile, I wouldn't be able to take credit for anything I have accomplished.

I've mentioned some of this before, but bear with me with my redundancy as I try to make a point here. "Without God, I can do nothing; without Him I will fail," a song from long ago that really makes sense. First of all, I'm still alive because of who He is, not me. He has saved me from myself and accidents in which I should have been killed.  He gave me strength to keep going, when I didn't think I could. He made a way out of no way for me to keep my children safe in the midst of gangland activity. He made it possible for me to go back to school, after the age of 40 and succeed. He made it possible for me to maintain a 3.8 GPA at 50 and complete coursework for a Ph.D. successfully. He poured into me the gift of writing, discernment, and wisdom. He keeps my angels alert and watchful during the night and when I travel. He instills in me a sense of purpose and destiny, daily. He grants me understanding of His Word and constantly reminds me of what He has said. He helps me get out bed every morning when He wakes me He guides me in what I say on blog posts, daily. He instructs me in my responses to naysayers pertaining to Him. He helps me to control my tongue when I get angry and frustrated. He guides me with love in training my grandson. When I wrote my first books, it was because of His inspiration. In the midst of every page, He is there and will be there. When the millions of copies are sold on Amazon, it will be because He has touched the hearts of those who purchase them. This is what He has done!

So, what have I done? I am in constant communication with My Daddy, and listen closely to what He says. I try always to be instantly obedient, but I don't always make it. He understands; He created me and He knows I'll do whatever He says, eventually. I give Him praise for who He is and what He's done for me on a consistent basis throughout the day! I have submitted myself to Him as an instrument for Him to use however He chooses. I proclaim that I am walking in His favor every day.  I broadcast my faith in Him, in public venues as well as private ones, to anyone who will listen (or read about it). I profess my confidence in Him and all He has said. That's what I have done!  Who gets the credit for my accomplishments? My Daddy gets all the credit for who I am and what I am capable of doing!

Who gets the credit for who you are and what you have accomplished?

Father, in the name of Jesus, help us to understand that we have accomplished nothing without You, but everything with You.  Help us to see our boasts should be in You, and not in self. Thank You for being a constant presence in our lives--molding, guiding, and correcting us, while loving us into a position of success, all according to Your Word. Amen!

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