Saturday, September 21, 2013

My Daddy Did It!

“You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being” (Revelation 4:11 NIV).

I woke up thinking about the non-believers' conversation about the non-existence of God and of course, I was reminded of God's Word. What I always find both amazing and gratifying is the fact that whenever I need the reminder, my Daddy, through the Holy Spirit, always brings it back to my remembrance, just like He said He would.

Now, before some get upset with my reference to God as my "Daddy" understand that this represents my relationship with God.  He is my Father, my Daddy and I never take this relationship for granted. He is the "Great I Am", Jehovah Jireh and known by so many more "titles" that I won't list them here. However He is known by the masses, depends upon their relationship with Him.

At any rate, "He created all things and without Him nothing was created" and that is the end of the matter for most believers.

Rather than argue or debate His existence, we should work on our relationship with God (Our Daddy), listen when He speaks, be quick to obey, and then when people marvel at the great things He does for us and through us, we can proudly say, "My Daddy Did It!"

Look at the cloud formations on various days in various types of weather; My Daddy did it.

Look at the bodies of water that encourage amazement and awe; My Daddy did it.

Look at the hills and mountainsides and wonder people often feel; My Daddy did it.

Look at the miracles performed which no one can explain; My Daddy did it.

Look at the love He has shown us by sacrificing His Son for us; My Daddy did it.

Look at all we have in life that allows us to enjoy life more; My Daddy did it, when He inspired others to create all manner of things.

Look at all the labels we have attached to things; My Daddy did it, when He spoke to those who determined what we call things.

Science is known as science because My Daddy inspired someone to attach the label. Science attempts to explain what already exists, but cannot replicate the intricacies of all that My Daddy has created when He created us!

Everything that mankind has done has ignited a response from My Daddy and mankind has incurred the result of the response of obedience or disobedience, just as He said it would happen.

When the enemy attempts to cause you to doubt, remind him, our Daddy is bigger and that He also created him who is angry enough to engender hatred because of his hatred of God. Satan is the father of liars, a master of deception, and his job is to kill, steal and destroy.  I'm so thankful that My Daddy is greater than all the mischief that Satan can devise.

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