Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Whoever You Are!

"For whoever calls upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved" (Romans 10:13 NKJV).

I am so glad that I am a "whoever" and I have called upon the name of the Lord and I am saved from an eternity of unrest and agony! How do I know? For the bible tells me so. 

When Paul wrote the letter to the church in Rome, he knew there was great misunderstanding among those who were trying to convert others.  Apparently, in the midst of the bickering, there were some who attempted to convince some they would never have the opportunity to see heaven. If we look at the beginning of this chapter, we see the discussion and the "formulaic response" (v.9) by many when a person makes up their mind about receiving Christ.  So, yes there is something every person must do--believe, confess, repent--and then "call on Him--call on The Lord!"

What is so great about this is that anyone, no matter how many sins committed, can repent and receive the heritage of heaven with Jesus as their Lord and Savior! God is not a respecter of persons and He will respond to the sincere prayer of whoever calls upon Him!  Hallelujah! Thank God for saving for me when I called upon Him! 

Okay, I'm getting a little carried away, but moving right along, through the scriptures--how can anyone believe unless they hear the Good News?  "Faith comes by hearing (seeing in this case) and hearing The Word!" We must proclaim the Gospel however we can, through whatever venue we have, and as often as we can!  Preach the Good news and bring others into the knowledge of Christ. Pray that God will provide them with an experience that lets them know they need Him in their lives. 

For those of us who are promoting the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the laying on of fingers upon a keyboard and publishing on the Internet, God is pleased! We don't know who we are reaching and the difference we are making in how we express what The Bible says. As long as we are saying what God says and not getting in the way of people being saved by promoting what "we say," we are paving the way for others to be saved. Hallelujah! The love of Christ is shed abroad in our hearts and keeps us moving forward to make sure others have the same opportunity we have--assurance of our eternal resting place and receiving the many benefits of being a counted a child of the Most High God.  Whoever we are--we can do this!

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